il Direttore del Dipartimento per i Beni Culturali del Sichuan WANG Yi e la Direttrice dell’ICR Alessandra Marino hanno firmato un Memorandum d’Intesa per la Cooperazione nel Campo della Cultura, alla presenza del Console G...
ES cells were aggregated with ICR morula as described.65 The chimeric mice were mated with C57BL/6 mice to establish a strain with a germline-transmitted locus. The resultant mice were bred with FLPe-expressing mice66 to delete Neor cassette flanked by FRT sequences. FLPe-expressing mice66...
ill the c.ocflic.icrlts of a and b, ]leJIc.e, thc SK iteration js it[lplctlte.nte.d as a sc.queIIc.e of li~lc.a.~ least squares prob]wlis. ‘J”hc original w o r k c)f Salla,t}la]la.n arid Kcm-Ilcr [27] is fcmlllula.tccl ill the 1,al)lacc s do)[la,ill. ...
(eFfmimguoicrieerot1yb)i(a[F2l–ing1au5t]ru.erDa1lu)pe[r2too–d1tuh5ce]t.isrDue to tinhneairteinannadtpeoatnendtpaontteimnticaronbtiimaliaccrtoivbiitaielsa,ctthiivsigtireosu, pthoifspgorloyukpetiodfepsohlayskaetttirdacetsehdatsheatitnrtaecr-ted the ienstteorfemsteodficmineadlicchine...