在~\Steam\steamapps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\bin\game\user_settings\路径下找到user_keymapping_zoom.ini,用任意一个文本编辑器打开,下拉找到[Key*]开头的段落,*代表任意数字,每一个[Key*]段落都定义了一个一个缩放倍率及其键位,如下图。 user_keymapping_zoom.ini 我们以[Key2]段落为...
首先,在\IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad\data\input的目录里用记事本打开devices.txt 然后在 找到你需要添加设备的 ID (也就是 joy数字) 例如:vjoy的数字是8 然后打开这个路径下的global.actions文件进行编辑,比如增加脚舵 rpc_yaw, key_x/key_z, 0| // 飞机控制:偏航 rpc_yaw, joy8_axis_z, 1|...
IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad can be used as a separate product or be integrated with BOM and/or BOK, resulting in one big WWII Eastern Front combat flight-sim. 2 Collector Planes (La-5 and Fw-190 A-3) 8 Battle of Stalingrad Aircraft: Bf 109 F-4, Bf 109 G-2, LaGG-3 Se...
用敏锐的视觉玩Battle in Stalingrad 您将体验更精确的PC战斗飞行模拟,与二战最著名的空战 眼动追踪功能在《IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad》中的应用 延伸视角 在传奇的IL-2 Sturmovik系列的续集中,在战斗中获得更准确的模拟,获得逼真的周边视觉。
IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles stays true to its roots and thoroughly recreates not only the aircraft and the ground objects, but also the events and environments. buy the game Key Features realistic physics, damage, and physiology Advanced physics and graphics engines: realistic aerodynamics modeled...
An IL-2 Sturmovik forum post announces the release of a new patch for IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad, updating the World War II combat flight simulator to version 1.011. The new version includes a new aircraft and a new map, and also adds the abili
“IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Normandy brings the air war surrounding the successful Allied invasion on France in June 1944 to life on computer screen!” ¥ 76.00 发布于 2022 年 9 月 29 日 “Arado Ar 234 B-2 Jet Bomber” ¥ 76.00 ...
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