IL★2 STURMOVIK Yak-1 ser.69发动机管理,起飞,降落介绍 作者: caonima 2023-7-1 | 最后发表: 幻雨蛋炒饭 2023-7-1 21:08 809 4 【IL-2 Sturmovik】菜鸡舔地 作者: df4b 2023-7-1 751 0 【戈兰高地】历史上的IL2背后很硬,那BOS如何? 作者: 3ha025 2023-7-1 | 最后发表: 835266759 20...
这个光盘是飞行模拟游戏《IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946》的安装光盘。《IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946》是一款以第二次世界大战为背景的飞行模拟游戏。玩家可以扮演盟军或轴心国的飞行员,驾驶各种二战时期的经典战机,如美国的P-51野马、英国的喷火式战斗机,以及德国的Me-109和Fw-190等,在二战的各大战场上空进行激...
but as it was not coming i just did what i could and add stuff i could test manualy. Hope at some point some coder try to do something similar like it was for Il-2 1946, and all data could be shown with more accuracy.
It was created by those and for those who are not indifferent not only to the IL-2 Sturmovik, but also to history of the World War 2. For those who are not indifferent how do the planes rising up to the virtual skies look like. Let's paint the Sturmovik world in right colors! "Jo...
It was created by those and for those who are not indifferent not only to the IL-2 Sturmovik, but also to history of the World War 2. For those who are not indifferent how do the planes rising up to the virtual skies look like. Let's paint the Sturmovik world in right colors! "Jo...
We are heavily involved in IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad / Moscow, IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover, DCS: World War II, and IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946. Looking forward to seeing you all in the virtual skies! ~Salut!~ Alfred Klaiber ...
Today we give you FW 190 A-3 for the early access. Beside that the plane is going to be available in the store at for all Standard edition owners. And of course the Focke-Wulf is to be added to all multiplayer servers as well. So, this is the last fighter plane ...
WMname="fw190a8_RemMG131" So those 3 entries are the only ones that deny the MG131. Which means the MG131 is allowed starting January 11, 1945, but only for some mission types, as some have an exclusion for January 1, 1944 through January 1, 1946. But I need to add something her...