2、IL2和IL15与它们的受体相互作用的方式 IL2和IL15共享通信链和IL2/IL15Rb链。此外,IL2R和IL15R的高亲和力形式包含第三个细胞因子特异性受体a亚单位IL2Ra或IL15Ra。IL2主要是与预先形成的高亲和力异源三聚体受体结合的分泌型细胞因子。相比之下,IL15是一种膜相关分子,在抗原呈递细胞与CD8 T细胞或NK细胞之间的...
2.PD-1-cis IL-2R agonism yields better effectors from stem-like CD8+ T cells 3.An Engineered IL15 Cytokine Mutein Fused to an Anti-PD1 Improves Intratumoral T-cell Function and Antitumor Immunity 欢迎参加华人抗体协会2022年年会 面对多种...
Implications for the nonredundant function of IL-2. Immunity 17, 167–178 (2002). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Liao, W., Lin, J. X., Wang, L., Li, P. & Leonard, W. J. Modulation of cytokine receptors by IL-2 broadly regulates differentiation into helper T cell lineages. ...
Preclinical studies of the T cell growth factor activity of IL-2 resulted in this cytokine becoming the first immunotherapy to be approved nearly 30 years ago by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cancer. Since then, we have learnt the important role of IL-2 in regu...
In general, common γ-chain cytokines IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 prevent differentiation of nave T cells in vitro and limit activation of primed T cells in the absence of antigenic stimulus, which can contribute to the formation of cytokine imbalance. 展开 ...
2024年9月25日,相关研究以“A type 2 cytokine Fc–IL-4 revitalizes exhaustedCD8+T cells against cancer”为题在线发表在Nature,EPFL唐力教授、浙江大学药学院郭雨刚研究员以及耶鲁大学樊荣教授为论文的共同通讯作者。值得一提的是,由...
Synergy of IL-21 and IL-15 in regulating CD8+ T cell expansion and function Interleukin (IL)-21 is the most recently recognized of the cytokines that share the common cytokine receptor gamma chain (gamma(c)), which is mutated in hu... Zeng,R. - 《Journal of Experimental Medicine》 被...
FunctionPlaysaroleintheinducibleexpressionofcytokinegenesinT-cells,especiallyintheinductionoftheIL-2,IL-3,IL- 4,TNF-alphaorGM-CSF. TissuespecificityExpressedinthymus,spleen,heart,testis,brain,placenta,muscleandpancreas. SequencesimilaritiesContains1RHD(Rel-like)domain. DomainRelSimilarityDomain(RSD)allowsDNA-...
BACKGROUND: Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is an IL-1-like cytokine ligand for the IL-1 receptor-related protein ST2, that activates mast cells and Th2 lymphocytes, and induces production of Th2-associated cytokines in vivo. We initially discovered IL-33 as a nuclear factor (NF-HEV) abundantly ...