Il-2 1946 includes all of the original IL-2 series content: IL-2 Sturmovik™: Forgotten Battles, Ace Expansion Pack, Pacific Fighters™ and alternate histry campaigns of year 1946. What was years ago began as a one-aircraft study sim is now an astoni
(2)这是两个比较著名或者比较大型的Mod网站:【SAS1946】(简称SAS,是IL2 Mod 最大的一个集中处): 【Mission4Today】(简称M4T,是飞机涂装的一个大型集中处,Mod较少): (3)Mod网站中95%以上的资源是无法直接下载的(中国内地,台湾地区我...
There arepossiblyrelated, but certainly parallel issues online, whereeven inactive static objectscan bring DServer on its knees according to tests by @SAS_Storebror:,64511.msg709796.html#msg709796 AtomicP Member 188 Location:Scotland Author PostedJuly ...
1209581SAS4-S044P3PS1W00 PreislisteNiederspannungsprodukte2014/2015|2CDC001110P01021087 E32LD11R2M 6371004CRC02/48V AC/DCFUNKENL?SCHGLIED LEEXUWB2AKSNL2TFOTOCELLULA A SBARRAMENTO TRASMETTITORE 13934KITUNIONECENTR.EQUADRIKAEDRA 6824079SDPB-0002D-0001 0530108RI36-H/ 1024EF.3CKB-D0 BALLUF BES...
1、薛老师:1.CRISPR-Cas系统 2.基因编辑 3.基因修复 4.天然产物合成 5.单分子技术开发与应用 2、张老师:1.探索新型氧化还原酶结构-功能关系,电催化反应机制 2.酶电催化导向的酶分子改造 3.纳米材料、生物功能多肽对酶-电极体系的影响4. 生物电化学传感和生物电合成体系的设计与应用。 3、豆老师:1.环境纳米...
2000 Raimondas Rumsas 6hr 18min 36sec Francesco Casagrande @ s.t. Niklas Axelsson @ 4sec 258 km 40.89 2001 Danilo Di Luca 6hr 38min 29sec Giuliano Figueras @ s.t. Michael Boogerd @ 1sec 256 km 38.85 2002 Michele Bartoli 6hr 14min 49sec Davide Rebellin @ s.t. Oscar Camenzind @...
Il-2 1946 includes all of the original IL-2 series content: IL-2 Sturmovik™: Forgotten Battles, Ace Expansion Pack, Pacific Fighters™ and alternate histry campaigns of year 1946. What was years ago began as a one-aircraft study sim is now an astoni