IKONOS satellite image of Niagara Falls. Satellite Imaging Corporation specializes in high quality IKONOS satellite imagery.
The IKONOS satellite simultaneously collects 1-m panchromatic and 4-m multispectral images, providing the commercial and scientific community with a dramatic improvement in spatial resolution over previously available satellite imagery. The sun-synchronous IKONOS orbit provides global coverage, consistent ...
Ikonos Satellite Falls into PacificInvestigators from Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space in Sunnyvale, Calif., have determined what went wrong with the launch of the Ikonos 1 satellite April 27 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. They said the payload fairing -- designed to protect the ...
IKONOS satellite image provides the 1m spatial pan and 4 m multispectral data,which can be merged to improve the class accuracy of visual or computer interpretation. 以IKONOS卫星数据为例对其进行了空间分辨率的影像融合。 更多例句>> 3) IKONOS IKONOS卫星 例句>> 4) IKONOS imagery IKONOS卫星影像...
The satellite of Saturn that is16th in distance from the planet. 土卫八距离土星第十六远的土星卫星 9. The satellite of Saturn that is17th in distance from the planet. 土卫九距离土星第十七远的土星卫星 10. The satellite of Saturn that is11th in distance from the planet. ...
ikonos是什么意思网络解释 伊科诺斯;卫星影像;艾科诺斯 词组短语 1.InputIKONOSImages Folders输入IKONOS影像文件夹 2.IKONOSdataIKONOS数据 3.IKONOSSas网站站长 4.IKONOSImagesIKONOS影像 5.IKONOSimageIKONOS图像 6.IKONOSimageryIKONOS影像 7.IKONOSsatelliteIKONOS卫星 ...
Same geography every three days. Ikonos 2 was an American (privately owned) imaging satellite launched by an Athena 2 rocket at 18:22 UT from Vandenberg AFB. Its one-meter resolution images will be marketed under the brand name of Carterra about two or three months after launch. ...
Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping,2004,9:1-4 (刘军.基于 RPC 模型的IKONOS卫星影像高精度 立体定位 [J].测绘通报 ,2004,9:1-4)LIU Jun,WANG Dong-hong,MAO Guo-miao,.High Precision Stereo Positioning of IKONOS Satellite Images Based ... J Liu,DH Wang,GM Mao - 《Bulletin of Surveying & Map...
关键词:IKONOS卫星立体像对 RPC模型 几何光学成像模型 三维场景重建 中图分类号 TN911.73 Quick3DReconstructionoftheIKONOS-SatelliteStereoImages CaoZhiguo ChenHua (InstituteforPatternRecognition&ArtificialIntelligence,State KeyLaboratoryforImageProcessing&IntelligentControl,HUST,Wuhan 430074) Abstract Thetraditional3Drecon...