All required dimensions will be entered into the IKEA Kitchen Planner. The customer will be asked to set up an account and log in so they can access the measurements and kitchen plan after the appointment. The customer should review these plans after the appointment and decide on suitability fo...
2) I assumed that the dimensions for this Ikea Billy bookshelf has stayed the same since I bought it over 7 years ago. I went to Ikea the other day, bought a pair of doors for the bookshelf so that I could hide the arcade cabinet, and when I took it out of the packaging for so...
the sheets feel cool to your skin,the head rests perfectly on your favourite pillow.The heavy-weight duvet gives you a feeling of safety and warmth.Its pitch-dark and silent.Resting is a of art for some.Sensorial serenity The softness of a high-pile rug,the fresh scent of a jasmine ...