KALLAX Shelf unit with 4 inserts, 57 5/8x30 1/8 " $129.99Price $ 129.99(560) More optionsKALLAX Compare Best seller GNABBAS Basket, 12 ½x13 ¾x12 ½ " $12.99Price $ 12.99(553) Compare KALLAX Shelf unit, 43 7/8x43 7/8 " $99.99Price $ 99.99(263) More optionsKALLAX Compa...
第四位:EKET 上牆書架, 白色, 80x28x202 厘米 HKD/MOP $59 第四位的EKET上牆書架助你善用牆上空間,你亦可按需要自由組合EKET儲物櫃,名正言順成為第四名最受歡迎的貯物傢具。 第五位:KALLAX 層架組合, 白色, 77x77 厘 簡單的設計,整潔的線條,讓KALLAX貯物系列更靈活且容易用於家中;可以隨意配撘抽屜和櫃...
IKEA宜家KALLAX卡莱克(货号503.518.87)安装指南组装说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 KALLAX 2 AA-1009339-4 2 6 4 6 1 6 4 8 4 2 3 3 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1x 1x 4x 6x 1 1 9 5 0 3 7 1 0 3 1 1 1x 1x 7 1 3 2 3 2 9 9 0 0 1 1 2x 2x 3...
KALLAXRegal mit Untergestell, 147x94 cm €89,99Preis € 89,99 (1) Mehr OptionenKALLAX +3 Neu BILLYRegalkombination mit Aufsätzen €279,97Preis € 279,97 (2) Mehr OptionenBILLY Neu BILLYRegaleckkombination mit Aufsätzen €286,97Preis € 286,97 ...
Ikea Kallax Storage Boxes: Since I found Ikea store sold storage boxes not to my liking I decided to make my own. I also realized that these come at a fraction of the cost and if you like DIY they are for sure an option since they are quite easy to do an
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今天,就让我来分享其中的三款,分别是小米空气净化器4 Pro、Apple AirPods Pro和宜家(IKEA)的KALLAX系列储物柜。 小米空气净化器4 Pro 首先说说这款小米空气净化器4 Pro。随着城市空气质量的日益受到关注,一款高效的空气净化器成了我家的必备之选。我选择小米4 Pro...查看全文 相关企业信息 公司名称:宜家(中国)...
KALLAX卡莱克 搁架单元 - 黑褐色 - IKEA http://www.ikea.com/cn/zh/catalog/products/10275838 去看看 7.勒斯达落地灯,可根据需要随意弯曲的灯臂,便于调整照射方向,关键价格还便宜,只要79,通用大口径(E27)灯泡接口。 勒斯达 落地灯/ 阅读灯 - IKEA
KALLAXShelf unit,77x147 cm (30 1/8x57 5/8 ") $109.00Price $ 109.00 Available in more options Get expert help to plan your space IKEA Canada offers a comprehensive design service for all your business needs. So whatever you need, from lighting ideas to storage tips, our design specialists...
BRIMNES TV storage combination/glass doors, 320x41x190 cm €427Price € 427(1) Compare BESTÅ TV storage combination/glass doors, 240x42x190 cm €440Price € 440 More optionsBESTÅ +14 Compare KALLAX TV storage combination, 147x39x60 cm €140Price € 140 More optionsKALLAX Showing additio...