8.1 产品目录 | Catalogue 8.2 宜家会员俱乐部 | IKEA Family 8.3“宜家Place”APP | IKEA Place app 8.4 广告 | Advertising 9. 批评 | Criticism 10. 相关事件 11. 流行文化中的宜家 | In popular culture 参见、参考文献、外部链接 中文词条原文链接(无法从中国内地访问):点击这里访问。英文词条原文链接(无法...
[46] 截至2022年10月,宜家解雇了约1万名俄罗斯员工。[47] IKEA was hit hard by COVID-19 due to lockdowns in various countries, like in the UK and Canada.[48][49] Because demand had fallen,[50] its annual catalogue ceased publication after 70 years in print.[51] The prices of their ...