2000IKDC Score膝关节功能主观评定.pdf,2000 IKDC KNEE FORMS INTRODUCTION The entire IKDC form, which includes a demographic form, current health assessment form, subjective knee evaluation form, knee history form, surgical documentation form, and knee exam
2000 IKDC评分表及使用细则.pdf,1 2000 国际膝部文件委员会(IKDC)主观膝部评估表 您的全名___ 今天日期:___/___/___ 受伤日期: ___/___/___ 年月日年月日 症状 : 无明显症状发生的情况下,请评估您认为自己
2000 IKDC KNEE FORMS INTRODUCTION The entire IKDC form, which includes a MODEMSTM compatible demographic form, current health assessment form, subjective knee evaluation form, knee history form, surgical documentation form, and knee examination form, may be used as separate forms. Researchers who ...
[1] Line Voltage [2] Line Frequency [3] Line Current [4] Active Power [5] Reactive Power [6] Power Factor 0.01 ~ 100 1 ~ 2000 0~32000 0~10 0~60 0~60 开放 等级 1 1 开放 等级 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 参数说明 备注 参考 页码 备注 参考 页码 8 8-13 ...
2000 IKDC评分表及使用细则.pdf,1 2000 国际膝部文件委员会(IKDC)主观膝部评估表 您的全名___ 今天日期:___/___/___ 受伤日期: ___/___/___ 年月日年月日 症状 : 无明显症状发生的情况下,请评估您认为自己