早在IJCAI 2020 开放投稿的时候,研究者们就感受到了这一届 IJCAI 的严格。 首先,在 IJCAI 2020 的「Call for Papers」规定中就明确表示,被 AAAI 2020、ECAI 2020、AAMAS 2020、ICCV 2020 或 ICAPS 2020 拒绝的论文在经过实质性改进之后可以重新提交给 IJCAI-PRICAI 2020,但作者必须(must)声明这是拒稿重投,而...
https://static.ijcai.org/2020-accepted_papers.html https://ijcai20.org/call-for-papers-fintech/
按照主题领域统计,除了机器学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉、数据挖掘等大类外,其他比较受关注的领域有:基于智能体和多智能体的系统、多学科课题和应用、机器学习应用、知识表征和推理、人与AI等。 IJCAI-2020/2021(日本) 论文 IJCAI-2020(2021) 日本 Accepted Papers IJCAI-2020(2021) 日本 Tutorial(含视频) IJCAI...
参考链接: https://static.ijcai.org/2020-accepted_papers.html https://ijcai20.org/call-for-papers-fintech/
录用论文列表:http://static.ijcai.org/2020-accepted_papers.html 阿里巴巴IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 3D AI挑战与研讨会: 阿里巴巴是IJCAI-PRICAI 2020的白金赞助商。他们已经发布了一个大型Benchmak 3D-FUTURE:一个注释丰富的大型3D家具形状的图像库,专门针对家居场景。
(For accepted papers, up to two additional pages may be purchased at an additional cost per page, but note that at the time of submissions, papers are required to adhere to the 6+1 format above.) Authors are required to submit their electronic papers in PDF format. Over-length papers ...
However, in case a paper is accepted, authors have to pay a nominal fee of Rs. 1100/- for its publication. IJCAIT is now indexed with Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Scholarsteer, ResearchBib, Cite Factor, Publons, Journal Seek, Cosmos Impact Factor etc. The International Journal of Computer...
国际人工智能联合会议(International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 简称为IJCAI)是人工智能领域中最主要的学术会议之一。该会…阅读全文 赞同18 添加评论 分享收藏 IJCAI 2024时空数据(Spatial-Temporal)论文总结 NO1WDS 公众号”时空探索之旅“ 2024 IJCAI(International Joint Confe...
Notification DueJun 15, 2020 Categoriesartificial intelligencemachine learningfederated learningprivacy preservation Call For Papers Accepted Papers 1. Lingjuan Lyu, Han Yu and Qiang Yang. Threats to Federated Learning: A Survey 2. Zhaoxiong Yang, Shuihai Hu and Kai Chen. FPGA-Based Hardware Accelera...
This repository contains all the papers accepted in top conference of computer vision, with convenience to search related papers. machine-learningcomputer-visiondeep-learningpaperartificial-intelligenceawesome-listaaaicvprijcaiiccvnipsiclricmleccvaccv2018neuripsbmvcwacvacmmmaccv2020 ...