印度钦奈2022年6月17日 /美通社/ -- 印度排名第一的院校印度理工学院马德拉斯分校(IIT马德拉斯)开设“通过数学摆脱思维定式”课程以鼓励创新思维。Prof. V. Kamakoti (L), Director, IIT Madras, interacting with school children during the launch of 'Out of Box Thinking' Course 该课程是印度首个同类项目...
首期3个月课程定于2022年7月1日开始。报名注册将于2022年6月24日结束。有意参与者可通过以下链接注册:https://www.pravartak.org.in/out-of-box-thinking.html IIT马德拉斯在2019年被评为“卓越大学”(IoE),在印度政府发布的2021年印度大学排名的“整体”类别中连续第三年位列第一。在同一排名榜单中,该学院...
The following skill sets are a part of this UI UX Design course: User Research Wireframing and Prototyping Visual Design Principles Usability Testing Information Architecture Design Thinking Problem identification Mapping (affinity maps, empathy maps, and journey maps) Solution Ideation and Strategy Creatio...
A training workshop "Design Thinking for ICT enabled Bal Vidyalayas in rural India" - the first in a series -- was organised on the IIT-Delhi campus. A team at IIT Delhi has also developed Augmented Reality (AR)-based content as per the learning outcomes outlined by the NCERT. CSC ...