1. B.Tech Courses Tech Electrical Engineering Tech Mechanical Engineering Tech Civil Engineering Tech Computer Science and Engineering Tech Chemical Engineering Tech Materials Science and Engineering Tech Aerospace Engineering Tech Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Tech Energy Environment and Climate Tech Me...
Securing admission to IIT without relying on JEE is possible through alternate exams like CAT, CEED, and GATE. Diverse courses such as administration, design, engineering, and research open up avenues. Navigating these pathways showcases a way to enter the prestigious IIT realm, transcending the ...
NEW DELHI:A few weeks ago,Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpurlaid the foundation stone for the new Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology. It became the second such centre to marry technology and medical sciences in the IITs. The first wasIIT Kharagpur’s School of Medical...
Every year, the GATE exam is conducted jointly by IISc (Indian Institute of Science), Bangalore and any one of the IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee). Qualifying GATE 2023 is a mandatory requirementto get admission and/or financial assistance to master’s ...
IIT Madras Branch GE OBC SC ST OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE Aerospace Engineering 1521 2451 500 1078 363 477 225 286 Chemical Engineering 1227 2336 424 1298 416 758 344 445 Civil Engineering 1471 2759 537 1018 258 513 146 ...
1850–1900:5ModernIndianUniversitiesweresetup.Location:Calcutta,Bombay,Madras,AllahabadandLahoreintheerstwhileundividedPunjab. 1900–1947:16moreuniversitieswereadded.Thenotableonesinclude: BenarasHinduUniversity(1915), UniversityofMysore(1916), OsmaniaUniversity(1918), ...