Delivered through an Interactive Learning (IL) platform in direct-to-device (D2D) mode, the programme provides an engaging and interactive learning experience. Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a one-day on-campus experience atIIT Delhi. Additi...
IIT Palakkad B.Tech Branch Wise Placements 2024 CoursesNo of students placedPlacement Percentage B.Tech Civil Engineering 11 42.31% B.Tech CSE 32 64% B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 33 40.43% B.Tech Electrical Engineering 22 62.50% IIT Palakkad B.Tech Salary Package 2024 IIT Palakkad CSE highest...
Top sites for Aptitude Preparion for Placements Contributors FYI Are you just getting started? Look for the 👶 emoji. It highlights resources for absolute beginners. Some resources are recommended for everyone, so they have a ⭐ emoji. Willing to spend some money to improve your skills?