Explore our extensive database to find detailed college information, course details, and even salary packages of previous college students, all conveniently sorted by city. Additionally, we offer a seamless online form filling option, making the college application process a breeze. For select ...
IIT JAM Application Process 2025 has started by IIT Delhi on 03rd September 2024, on its official website. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi will conduct theIIT JAM Exam 2025 on February 2, 2025 IIT JAM 2024 provisional offer letterwas released onJuly 12, 2024 by IIT Madras,...
AIIMS DELHI | NEET (UG) -2024 Prashant Meena IIT BOMBAY | JEE Advanced -2024 "Joining CLC was the best decision I made for my NEET preparation. The institute's commitment to excellence and the faculty's dedication to student success were evident throughout my journey. The detailed study mat...
This is the first year such a course is being offered at IITG. Seats are unfortunately limited to 30 only. This program shall offer training in areas like digital humanities, geospatial analytics, international relations & diplomacy, area studies, vernacular languages & literature, etc. ...
IIT Delhi GATE cutoffs 2020 are now available from official sources. The cutoffs presented here are collected after final round of offers accepted from COAP (Common Offer Acceptance Portal) by the candidates.
Jyoti Kumar is an accomplished UI/UX Designer and Associate Professor at IIT Delhi. He applies his research findings to craft designs that enhance user experiences and ensure effortless navigation. Parth Garg Visual Designer at Amazon Parth has 7+ years of experience with start-ups, government, ...
well ascoaching for NEET In Delhi. One such coaching institute that has a renowned name in the domain of IIT JEE, as well as NEET coaching, is Margshree. Margshree offers both online as well as offline classes for students who aim to get into top IITs, NIT as well as Medical ...
askIITians is a renowned name in the online IIT coaching domain. We offer the expertise of ex-IITians by way of live online classes to students who enrol in our programs. Not limited to a set of one-year or two-year programs for Delhi Coaching, we offer independent modules for specific ...
IIT Kanpur offers an online JEE Mains Crash Course through its NPTEL platform and other private collaborations, covering key topics and test series. 6. Does IIT Kanpur offer a Crash Course for JEE? Yes, IIT Kanpur provides various JEE Crash Courses via online platforms, designed for last-minute...
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, renowned for its excellence in engineering and technology, has introduced the second edition of its Advanced Certification Programme in Persuasive UX Strategy. This cutting-edge course blends UX design principles with psychology, empowering professionals .....