This is for the courses as elucidated below in this post. Not in BTech courses. It’s a mix of UG and PG programs, though. There are Bachelor’s courses, some Masters programs, some short-term courses, and various exams other than JEE that can get you an entry into one of the IIT...
Post Doc. The Rockefeller Univ. US | Phd. Stony Brook Univ. US | IIT Delhi Govind Lal Ex. Director of Income Tax, GoI Btech Computer Science, IIT Kanpur Suman Bose Ex. MD and CEO, Siemens. India | Country Director & Head, Dassault Systemes ...
A career in the aviation industry always sounds exciting. But, there is no scope for the slightest error as it may cost the lives of many people. A Flight Engineer role comes with the responsibility of monitoring the aircraft engine and control systems while in flight. Whenever the aircraft ...
The centres at IIT Kanpur and IIT Guwahati are dependent onendowments. Bandyopadhyay said, “JBMSHST is supported by Mehta Family Foundation for the initial five years until it becomes self-sustainable through the tuition fees from the students.” Also Read |Delhi University: In Covid-19 aftermat...