While the JEE Advanced cutoff is the minimum mark required for passing the IIT JEE Advanced exam, the admission cutoff will differ for each institute. Qualified candidates will be considered for admission to the JEE Advanced participating institutes....
New: UCEED 2025 College Predictor | UCEED Past 5 Years Cutoff (2020-2024) Don't Miss: Top Colleges Accepting UCEED 2025 Scores | Top Design Institute Fees Applications Open: B.Des @IIAD. 94% placement. Apply Now This Story also Contains UCEED 2024 Cutoff Institute-Wise Past 5 Years UCEED...
IITs vs NITs - Explore the key distinctions between IITs and NITs provides a comprehensive understanding of these premier institutions' unique characteristics.
As perIIT JAM exam pattern 2024,each paper will consist of 60 questions for 100 marks.IIT JAM is a computer-based test and the medium of answering the questions is English. Candidates will be given3 hoursto complete the100 marks test. The syllabus for IIT JAM Biotechnology is based on the...