EXCELLENCEProf. Anindya Datta introduces the Department of Chemistry at IIT Bombay and reviews its achievements and future goals. Prof. Anindya Datta introduces the Department of Chemistry at IIT Bombay and reviews its achievements and future goals.doi:info:doi/10.1002/ejoc.202001442Datta, Anindya...
SCHEDULING OF DATAFLOW MODELS WITHIN THE RECONFIGURABLE VIDEO Machine Vision Group , University of Oulu , Finland Department of Computer Science and Engineering , IIT Bombay , India Microelectronic Systems Laboratory ( GR-LSM ), 4 Processor Architecture L ...
A Global Positioning System (GPS) permanent station has been established as a reference point at the Department of Civil Engineering of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), by the IITB GPS group, and is continuously operating since January 2002. The station is being operated under a ...