SSOME OME OOBVIOUS BVIOUS QQUESTIONS UESTIONS Many Worlds Interpretation Many Worlds Interpretation There is a very large number of universes Observer’s state is entangled with the cat’s state The alive and dead cats are both equally real But they cannot interact with each other Each has...
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Compared to other B.Tech specialisations at IIT Palakkad, the B.Tech CSE had the highest placement percentage, with 64% of its students placed during the 2023-24 placement drives. Check the placement percentages and number of students placed offered below. IIT Palakkad B.Tech Branch Wise P...
CSE,IITBombay7 Biological Evolution Meme..!!! AnupKulkarniandPrashanthK,Deptof CSE,IITBombay8 Meme “thebasicunitofculturaltransmission,or imitation” -RichardDawkins “anelementofculturethatmaybeconsidered tobepassedonbynon-geneticmeans” -EnglishOxfordDictionary ...