“People study less hard, they don’t stop completely,” Vipul Singh of IIT Bombay explained. “They start looking towards exploring other things like cultural and sports activities and focus less on academics once they are into IIT. This isn’t a bad thing at all. It contributes to good ...
IITBombay SharatChandran ‡ UniversityofMaryland&IITBombay Abstract Animatorstodayhavestartedusingmotioncaptured(mocap)se- quencestodrivecharacters.Mocapallowsrapidacquisitionof highlyrealisticanimationdata.Consequentlyanimatorshaveat theirdisposalanenormousamountofmocapsequences.This,iron- ...
IITs vs NITs - Explore the key distinctions between IITs and NITs provides a comprehensive understanding of these premier institutions' unique characteristics.
Every year, the GATE exam is conducted jointly by IISc (Indian Institute of Science), Bangalore and any one of the IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee). Qualifying GATE 2023 is a mandatory requirementto get admission and/or financial assistance to master’s ...