If SSL was previously configured by using Httpcfg.exe Use Makecert.exe (or run Setup.bat) to create the server certificate. Run the IIS manager and install the certificate according to the previous steps. Add the following line of code to the client program. ...
Download and install a certificate on an IIS server,Certificate Management Service:This topic describes how to install an SSL certificate on an Internet Information Services (IIS) server, including downloading and uploading a PFX certificate file, config
2.回到IIS,打开Server Certificates,选中我们创建的证书,右键,导出证书,见图: 点击OK之后,会在C盘目录下看到MySSLTest.pfx文件。 在 开始-运行 里输入certmgr.msc,打开Certificate Manager,找到Trusted Root Certification Authorities目录, 并右键,选择All Tasks,然后选择Import: 选择我们刚刚保存的文件MySSLTest.pfx: ...
How to install your SSL Certificate to your Windows 2000/2003 Server New: IIS 5/6 installation video walkthrough If you are installing an Extended Validation SSL Certificate, use ourIIS EV SSL Certificate Installation Instructions. If you are installing any otherSSL Certificate, follow the instructi...
8. 安装中级根证书Install the Intermediate Certificate 通过以上7步已经安装成功!但如果您收到的SSL证书不是PKCS#7格式,则需要下载对应的中级根证书并安装中级根证书, 如果您购买的是超真SSL, 而服务器的“中级证书颁发机构”中没有“WoTrust Premium Server Authority”根证书,则需要导入此根证书,请先下载此中级根...
点击上图中的“Install Certificate”: 点击“Next”: 点击上图中的“Browse”: 选择上图中的“Show physical stores”,并选择“Trusted Root Certification Authorities”: 然后一路点击ok和完成,直到出现“The import was successful”。 这时,我们打开Certmgr.msc,发现证书已成功导入。
2. IIS 10: How to Install and Configure Your SSL Certificate on Windows Server 2016If you have not yet created a CSR and ordered your certificate, see IIS 10: How to Create Your CSR Windows Server 2016. After we validate and issue your SSL certificate, you need to install it on the ...
2. Click on the Server name from the left column, then navigate to and double-click on Server Certificates. 3. In the Actions pane, choose “Complete Certificate Request.” 4. Select the downloaded SSL certificate file, typicallyin .p7b format, located within the directory named “PKCS7...
3. 选择证书文件 Select the certificate file to install 把您收到的证书文件:www.mydomain.com.crt 传到服务器上,并点击“浏览”选择该证书文件。 Type in the location of the certificate response file (you may also browse to the file), and then click Next. ...
8.安装中级根证书Install the Intermediate Certificate 通过以上7步已经安装成功!但如果您收到的SSL证书不是 PKCS#7 格式,而是一个包含有3个证书文件的zip文件www_domain_com.zip,第1个是以 UTN 开头的顶级根证书文件,不用安装;第2个是以WoSign 开头的中级根证书文件;第3个文件就是您的域名命名的证书文件,如...