事件記錄檔可能會提供應用程式集區停止或停用原因的相關資訊。 503.2 超過同時要求限制。 此appConcurrentRequestLimit 屬性設定為小於目前同時要求數目的值。 IIS 不允許比 屬性的值 appConcurrentRequestLimit 更多的並行要求。 503.3 ASP.NET 佇列已滿 503.4 FastCGI 佇列已滿 ...
If you are in a similar scenario wherein a sudden bursts of concurrent client connections is leading to the FTP server resetting the requests you may want to play with some combinations of the settings mentioned below. It may be that you are hitting some c...
'Server does not support secure connections' error with SMTP mail and SSL 'string.Split(params char[])' has some invalid arguments 'string' does not contain a definition for 'empty' 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll...what is the error?how to solve??? 'System...
LDAP bind failed with error 1326 unknown user or bad password LDAP Queries stopped working after Server patching LDAP search base string LDAP Search Using LDP.exe (MemberOf) License Activation (slui.exe) failed with the following error code: 0x80070005 Limit concurrent logins on a WS 2008 enviro...
src config iisnode samples configuration hello.js iisnode.yml readme.htm web.config defaultdocument express helloworld logging urlrewrite index.htm scripts setup version.txt test .gitignore LICENSE.txt README.md Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. ...
AspSessionMaxSets the maximum number of concurrent user sessions for ASP applications. By default, sessions are limited by time and not the total number of connections. AspSessionTimeoutDetermines when ASP sessions time out and have to be refreshed. By default, sessions time out after 20 minutes...
LimitRemoteConnections IIS 5.0 and earlier: This property is not available. ListFile IIS 5.0 and earlier: This property is not available. LoadBalancerCapabilities IIS 5.1 and earlier: This property is not available. LocalDomains IIS 5.0 and earlier: This property is not available. LocalRetryAttempt...
<serverRuntime appConcurrentRequestLimit="100000" /> 3. 调整machine.config中的processModel>requestQueueLimit的设置 由原来的默认5000改为100000。 <configuration> <system.web> <processModel enable="true" requestQueueLimit="100000"/> 参考文章:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd425294(office...
...2、并发连接数(The number of concurrent connections) 并发连接数指的是某个时刻服务器所接受的请求数目,简单的讲,就是一个会话。...3、并发用户数(Concurrency Level) 要注意区分这个概念和并发连接数之间的区别,一个用户可能同时会产生多个会话,也即连接数。
User-2060863488 posted In IIS-10, I have set the `maximum concurrent connections` to 50, however, in the performance counters, I don't see that 50 for the related ... Unanswered | 2 Replies | 3214 Views | Created by Anonymous - Thursday, September 10, 2020 7:03 AM | Last reply by...