选择Type为https的,并Edit,在弹出的界面里的SSL Certificate下,选择我们刚才创建的证书,如图: 再次回到IIS,选中站点,选择SSL Settings,如图: 打开SSL Settings之后,做出如下选择: 再一次打开我们的网站,发现提示该网站不安全,见下图: 当然,你如果设置SSL Settings如下,则打开网站的时候是这样的: 我们创建的证书,Issued...
We have created this post to help those who wants to know how to install an SSL certificate on the IIS server. Those who wants to install an SSL certificate on
Install SSL certificate Apache webserver NGINX webserver Microsoft IIS 8 and 8.5 Microsoft: connect certificate to a private key Exchange Server 2013 and 2016 Exchange Server 2010 Create CSR OpenSSL (NGINX, Apache, UNIX) Microsoft IIS 8 en 8.5 ...
选择Type为https的,并Edit,在弹出的界面里的SSL Certificate下,选择我们刚才创建的证书,如图: 再次回到IIS,选中站点,选择SSL Settings,如图: 打开SSL Settings之后,做出如下选择: 再一次打开我们的网站,发现提示该网站不安全,见下图: 当然,你如果设置SSL Settings如下,则打开网站的时候是这样的: 我们创建的证书,Issued...
8. 安装中级根证书Install the Intermediate Certificate 通过以上7步已经安装成功!但如果您收到的SSL证书不是PKCS#7格式,则需要下载对应的中级根证书并安装中级根证书, 如果您购买的是超真SSL, 而服务器的“中级证书颁发机构”中没有“WoTrust Premium Server Authority”根证书,则需要导入此根证书,请先下载此中级根...
Learn how to install SSL Certificates in Microsoft IIS 10.x with this extensive guide with step-by-step instructions to secure your website and boost your SEO.
A Step-by-Step Guide to SSL Certificate Installation on Windows Server 2025 with IIS 10: Configuring Secure HTTPS Settings Secure your website with SSL encryption for enhanced user trust and data protection. This guide outlines the steps to install an SSL certificate on IIS 10, running on...
Step 2: Install and Configure Your SSL Certificate in IIS 8 or IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012If you have not yet created a CSR and ordered your certificate, see IIS 8 and IIS 8.5: How to Create Your CSR on Windows Server 2012. ...
If you have not yet created a CSR and ordered your certificate, see IIS 7: How to Create Your CSR on Windows Server 2008. After we validate and issue your SSL certificate, you need to install it on the Windows 2008 server where the CSR was generated. Then, you need to configure the ...
Download and install a certificate on an IIS server,Certificate Management Service:This topic describes how to install an SSL certificate on an Internet Information Services (IIS) server, including downloading and uploading a PFX certificate file, config