upload_max_filesize = 2M //PHP最大能接受的上传文件大小,默认值为2MB,需要根据您的上传文件大小修改适当数值。 post_max_size = 8M //PHP设定POST数据所允许的最大大小。默认值为8MB,需要注意的是post_max_size的数值大于upload_max_filesize的数值为佳. memory_limit = 128M //内存上限。默认值为128MB,...
用IIS6自带的FTP时,发现用FTP客户端直接在FTP上修改文件会有缓存,解决方法是在HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Inetinfo\Parameters\ 下新建DisableMemoryCache禁用IIS缓存 ·DisableMemoryCache(REG_DWORD)。如果设置为1(默认为0),则禁用用户模式的IIS缓存。在缓存命中率非常小的时候,可以完全禁用缓存,以避免与缓存...
PoolThreadLimit 是包括所有 IIS 工作线程(包括 HTTP、FTP、NNTP 和 SMTP 服务)的硬性限制。PoolThreadLimit 总是大于或等于 MaxPoolThreads。 ASP 线程池是单独的一组线程。其大小受 AspProcessorThreadMax 配置数据库设置的控制。未处理的 ASP 请求的最大数量是 AspRequestQueueMax 和 AspProcessorThreadMax PoolTh...
37 - Hostname didn't match any configured ftp site. 38 - Client IP on the control channel didn't match the client IP on the data channel. 39 - Maximum file size was exceeded. 40ActiveDirectory Isolation must be combined with basic authentication. 41 - An...
默认情况下禁用经典 ASP 父路径 Windows Vista RTM 上的 APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH 服务器变量 IIS 7.0 和 IIS 7.5 上的经典 ASP 应用程序概述 方案:在 IIS 上生成经典 ASP 网站 方案:在 IIS 上生成 ASP.NET 网站 Web 宿主 Web 开发参考 FTP 扩展性参考 WMI 提供程序 参与 配置...
The setting that you are referingFTP request filter->edit feature setting->maximum cotent length is for the maximum size of the file that you give you access to download not for the speed. I need to make the buffer or the tcp window size bigger to fix my problem but in windows server...
第一种方法可以理解为纵向发展,这种方法总是有限。第二种方法才是解决问题的正确选择 实现负载均衡的方法,大至分为二个方向,一种是用软件来实现负载均衡,另一种是硬件实现负载均衡(包括结合硬件和软件) 用软件来实现负载均衡,实现负载均衡的过程,自身也要消耗一些系统资源,响应时间增加。例如:LV...
Hosting-Friendly Web Server Platform (IIS): Scenario Overview Build an ASP.NET Website on IIS Build a Classic ASP Website on IIS Build an FTP Site on IIS Build a Web Farm with IIS Servers Feedback Was this page helpful? YesNo Get help at Microsoft Q&A Training...
Many of the design changes in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 directly address the need to secure the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) as a whole, and Web and FTP sites in particular. You might experience errors if you have not enabled certain features or services that...
StartupTimeLimit IIS 5.1 and earlier: This property is not available. SuppressDefaultFTPBanner IIS 6.0 and earlier: This property is not available unless you have Windows XP with SP2, or Windows Server 2003 with SP1.UExpand table UNCAuthenticationPassthrough IIS 6.0 and later: This property is...