我正在开发一个web应用程序,运行IIS Express时,出现如下错误: “Unable to connect to the configured development Web server. Failed to register URL http://localhost :21021/ for site “sandbox” application “/”. Error description: Access is denied. (0x80070005)” 解决方法: running this command in...
“Unable to connect to the configured development Web server. Failed to register URL http://localhost :21021/ for site “sandbox” application “/”. Error description: Access is denied. (0x80070005)” 解决方法: running this command in Powershell showed the culprit: netsh http show urlacl 1....
Try by using a different port. Also check the below link http://saintgimp.org/2012/05/03/fixing-the-error-unable-to-launch-the-iis-express-web-server-failed-to-register-url-access-is-denied/ Friday, August 9, 2013 1:28 AM I have able to perform step 1 but when I tried to perform...
When I try to build the project I get the error: "Unable to launch IIS Express Web Server. Failed to register URL "https://hostname.domain.com:44300/" for site "NewApp" application "/". Error description: Access is denied" After some searching, I came about multiple links explaining t...
iisexpress.exe /config:"c:\[your project path]\.vs\config\applicationhost.config"/site:WebApplication5 /trace:error 1 The output in Command Prompt was as below. Noticed that IIS Express complained it was failed to register URL "http://localhost:51841/" as access was denied. Subsequently, ...
虽然文中没提及如何在IIS Express下设置使用32位程序,但还是给分吧。
The ASP.NET Core Module installer runs with the privileges of theTrustedInstalleraccount. Because the local system account doesn't have modify permission for the share path used by the IIS Shared Configuration, the installer throws an access denied error when attempting to configure the module settin...
This error occurs when there's a bitness mismatch between the published app and the w3wp/iisexpress process. Confirm that the app pool's 32-bit setting is correct: Select the app pool in IIS Manager's Application Pools. Select Advanced Settings under Edit Application Pool in the Actions panel...
在Firefox 19中测试时,Firebug中没有出现对API的网络请求,此错误记录在控制台:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied如何使OPTIONS请求一致地发送和响应? 浏览4提问于2013-03-31得票数 70 回答已采纳 1回答 为什么webapi 2无法从IIS请求飞行前选项 、 我有一个非常简单的webapi 2应用程序,它...
The command will return the error message Access is denied. The Microsoft article "IIS 'Bytes Sent' (Sc-bytes) Logging Property Is 0 for ASP Files" (https://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;254718&sd=tech) notes that W3C's Bytes Sent field might return 0 bytes when Ac...