進入IIS 站台內容,將 "HTTP標頭" 內的 "啟用內容的到期限制" 打勾,並且輸入有效期限,即可完成。 設定完成 Client Cache:
1、应用程序池(Application Pool)的设置: General->Queue Length设置为65535(队列长度所支持的最大值) Process Model->Idle Time-out设置为0(不让应用程序池因为没有请求而回收) Recycling->Regular Time Interval设置为0(禁用应用程序池定期自动回收) 2、.Net Framework相关设置 a) 在machine.config中将 <processM...
注意事项:添加该URL重写规则会造成IIS内核模式缓存不工作,详见微软的坑:Url重写竟然会引起IIS内核模式缓存不工作。 6、 设置Cache-Control为public 在web.config中添加如下配置: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <configuration> <system.webServer> <staticContent> <clientCachecacheControlCustom="public"/> </staticContent> </...
AspQueueConnectionTestTimeSets the interval used to determine if a client is still connected to the server. If a request has been in the queue longer than the test time, the server checks to see if the client is still connected before beginning execution. The default value is 3 seconds. Th...
clientCache Element for staticContent [IIS Settings Schema] mimeMap Element for staticContent [IIS Settings Schema] remove for staticContent Element [IIS Settings Schema] clear for staticContent Element [IIS Settings Schema] tracing Element [IIS Settings Schema] urlCompression Element [IIS Settings Schema...
Set-CMClientSettingClientCache Set-CMClientSettingClientPolicy Set-CMClientSettingCloudService Set-CMClientSettingComplianceSetting Set-CMClientSettingComputerAgent Set-CMClientSettingComputerRestart Set-CMClientSettingDeliveryOptimization Set-CMClientSettingEndpointProtection Set-CMClientSettingEnrollment Set-CMClientSettingGe...
模块名称:UriCacheModule 说明:实现特定于 URL 的服务器状态的通用缓存,例如配置。 在此模块中,服务器仅读取特定 URL 的第一个请求的配置,并在后续请求中重复使用该配置,直到其更改为止。 配置节:无。 依赖项:无。 移除此模块后的潜在问题由于会缓存每个请求的每个 URL 检索状态,因此造成性能损失。
Fortunately, the ASP.NET Integrated pipeline comes to the rescue again, this time allowing me to write a small .NET module that can rewrite incoming URLs on the fly from a more friendly format to Qdig-native URLs, causing the correct gallery view to be returned to the client. Thanks to ...
since the script used to generate the dynamic output does not need to run for each request. The cache can vary the output that is cached based on query string values as well as HTTP headers sent from the client to the server. The cache is also integrated with the Http.sys kernel-mode ...
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmdsetconfig"Default Web Site/pictures"-section:caching /+profiles.[extension='.jpg',duration='00:00:10', policy='CacheForTimePeriod',varyByHeaders='Accept-Language'] Repeat the performance run to see what and how the configuration settings change. ...