進入IIS 站台內容,將 "HTTP標頭" 內的 "啟用內容的到期限制" 打勾,並且輸入有效期限,即可完成。 設定完成 Client Cache:
注意事项:添加该URL重写规则会造成IIS内核模式缓存不工作,详见微软的坑:Url重写竟然会引起IIS内核模式缓存不工作。 6、 设置Cache-Control为public 在web.config中添加如下配置: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <configuration> <system.webServer> <staticContent> <clientCachecacheControlCustom="public"/> </staticContent> </...
6、 设置Cache-Control为public 在web.config中添加如下配置: <configuration><system.webServer><staticContent><clientCachecacheControlCustom="public"/></staticContent></system.webServer></configuration> 7、ASP.NET线程设置 在machine.config的<processModel>中添加如下设置: <processModelenable="true"maxWorkerT...
A PUSH_PROMISE is sent to the client, so the client can check whether the resource already exists in the cache A new request is added to the request queue for the pushed resource If the underlying connection doesn't support push (client disabled push, or HTTP/1.1 client), the call does...
模块名称:UriCacheModule 说明:实现特定于 URL 的服务器状态的通用缓存,例如配置。 在此模块中,服务器仅读取特定 URL 的第一个请求的配置,并在后续请求中重复使用该配置,直到其更改为止。 配置节:无。 依赖项:无。 移除此模块后的潜在问题由于会缓存每个请求的每个 URL 检索状态,因此造成性能损失。
When you use static content, keep in mind that you should set expire headers whenever possible. Expire headers allow the related files to be stored in the client's cache, and this can greatly improve performance on repeat visits when the original content hasn't changed. For details on settin...
你会看到我们不再使用 varyByHeaders 属性。 这是因为 kernelModeCache 不支持用户模式输出缓存支持的某些功能。 内核模式输出缓存的限制 用户模式和内核模式输出缓存之间存在两个显著差异。 内核模式输出缓存不支持必须在用户模式下运行的模块和功能,例如身份验证或授权。 示例:如果启用了基本身份验证或 Windows 身份验证...
Cache management settings One benefit that HTTP.sys provides is a kernel-mode cache. If the response is in the kernel-mode cache, you can satisfy an HTTP request entirely from the kernel mode, which significantly lowers the CPU cost of handling the request. However, the kernel-mode cache of...
IIS 7 provides default settings for ASP applications, but you can change those settings as needed. For example, you may want to enable client-side debugging on a test server to aide in troubleshooting issues during a test pass.PrerequisitesFor information about the levels at which you can ...
To change your email, visit My Settings.","email.verification.message.resend.email":"To participate in the community, you must first verify your email address. The verification email was sent to {email}. Resend email."},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-shared/client/components...