题号I II III IV VVI VI VIII X总分总分人复核人得分I 、 单词辩音(5分)得分评卷人从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,找出其画线部分与其他三个单词的画线部分读音不同的选项。()1. A. same B.Dale C. black D. name()2. A. no B. not C. dog D. orange() 3. A. school B.good C. ...
品种:人民币 统一编号:se96932356店内编号:29 属性:第三套,同年连号 ,,, ,,, ,五角,纸币,爱藏评级 ,整刀 简介:三版五角纺织原包拆出的爱藏百连刀货包顺丰VIIIIIIX8776701刀有需要不同三版五角纺织的刀或捆请联系 备注: 录入举报打假举报 实在泉友小鹏泉室98.2 %信誉 ...
统一编号: se96932236 店内编号:29 品种: 人民币 属性: 第三套,同年连号 ,,, ,,, ,五角,纸币,爱藏评级 ,整刀 简介: 三版五角纺织原包拆出的爱藏百连刀货包顺丰VIIIIIIX8776301刀有需要不同三版五角纺织的刀或捆请联系 备注: 浏览量: 0 点评: 0 次进行点评 打假: 打假举报 录入举报 ...
一只傲娇的小金鱼IIIvIII 19-10-28 09:32 //@花消英气x://@蓝色睡眠-://@想把我唱给你听xxxxx:艹 杰克杀我//@养生punker :我活了 抱歉,根据作者设置的微博可见时间范围,此微博已不可见。 û收藏 22 评论 ñ3 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 同时评论给 按热度 按...
Imaging of the upper cranial nerves I, III–VIII, and the cavernous sinuses. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2004;14(4):579–593Castillo M. Imaging of the upper cranial nerves I, III-VIII, and the cavernous sinuses. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2004;14:579 -93...
k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转 û收藏 12 10 ñ6 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...
Hamer AD, Tisley DG and Walton RA. The X-ray photoelectron spectra of inorganic mole- cules--VIII[1, 2]: compounds of scandium(III), scandium(III) oxide and complexes with organic oxygen donor molecules. J Inorganic Nuclear Chem 1974; 36: 1771-1775....
solar spectra/ low lying levelsThe populations of the excited state 2 P 3/2 relative to the ground state 2 P 1/2 have been investigated in C ii , N iii , O iv , Ne vi , Mg viii , Si x , and Si ii by considering all the radiative and collisional processes including the ...
The intensities of the lines for the transition 2 P 3 2/0 - 2 P 1 2/0 in C ii , N iii , O iv , Ne vi , Mg viii , Si x , and Si ii in the chromosphere-corona transition region are investigated. The populations of the excited state 2 P f3/2 p0 relative to the ground ...