Lisää viitekuva napsauttamalla-kuvaketta. ValitseGeneroi. Valitse haluamasi kuva kontekstuaalisesta tehtäväpalkista. Vihje: Valitse, jos haluat generoida lisää objektivariaatioita nykyisen kehotteen perusteella, taiTason ominaisuudet, jos haluat muokata tekstikehotetta ja generoida...
Kirjoita Mitä haluat generoida -ruutuun kehote, jossa kuvailet haluamaasi taustaa. Valitse Generoi . Valitse haluamasi tausta kontekstuaalisesta tehtäväpalkista. Vihje: Valitse , jos haluat generoida lisää taustavariaatioita nykyisen kehotteen perusteella, tai Tason ominaisuud...
EY anunță lansarea, platforma unificatoare ce reunește abilitățile umane și inteligența artificială (AI), cu rolul de a ajuta clienții să își transforme afacerile prin adoptarea inteligenței artificiale fără rețineri ...
Developer Tools - Nsight Tools Edge AI applications - Jetpack BlueField data processing - DOCA Accelerated Libraries - CUDA-X Libraries Deep Learning Inference - TensorRT Deep Learning Training - cuDNN Deep Learning Frameworks Conversational AI - NeMo Generative AI - NeMo Intelligent Video...
Heuristica II: Updating a 2011 Game-Based Training Architecture Using Generative AI Toolsdoi:10.1007/978-3-031-60609-0_23In 2011, the authors were part of a team of researchers working on an intelligence analyst project, Heuristica, exploring the use of serious games to teach intelligence ...
- 全面理解:结合文本和视觉信息,提供更准确的AI响应。 - 简化数据整合:无需繁琐的预处理即可轻松集成多种数据类型。 1. 创建多模态索引:在LlamaCloud中创建索引并启用多模态索引选项,自动生成并存储页面截图。 2. 将索引集成到代码中: from llama_index.indices.managed.llama_cloud import LlamaCloudIndex ...
Q: RenAi has a lot of experience using edtech technologies like distance learning cameras, generative AI, and AR/VR technologies in the classroom. Why is Ren Ai so willing to pursue these edtech tools? I think there are certain concepts that technologies are good at optimizing. The distance...
代码可以在这里找到:。我们希望社区会发现它有用。我们在这个存储库中的目标不是为人们提供另一个库或框架供导入使用。相反,我们鼓励用户复制粘贴、分叉和修改存储库中的代码。 引用 Accelerating Generative AI with PyTorch II: GPT, Fast ...
Another important concern highlighted is the intellectual property law concerns related to it is the Intellectual Property law concerns surrounding it like can the content produced by the AI be copyrighted? Are there intellectual property infringement risk when using generative AI? Can AI be recognized...
Part II. Transfer Learning for Generative Models - Selection from Hands-On Generative AI with Transformers and Diffusion Models [Book]