我的是这样解决的:win+R打开运行,输入regedit打开注册表编辑器,左边找到HEKY_LOCAL_MACHINE>>SOFTWARE>>Microsoft>>DirectX,点击DirectX,在右边右键Version,点击修改,把数值数据改成4.08.00.0904(我的原来是4.09.00.0904)然后确定,再win+R打开运行,输入%appdata%,在打开的目录中看看有没有Epic Games Launcher目录删掉,...
In Piercing the Shroud, kill the brutalisk with the A.R.E.S on Normal Difficulty or higher. Edit Legacy of the Ursadon Points 0 (Feat of Strength) Criteria Kill an ursadon in a multiplayer game to reunite it with the late and beloved Ursula. Rewards Ursula portrait Edit Pool...
转发微博 @Xbox 《Avowed(宣誓)》现已登陆 Xbox Series X|S 主机平台、Microsoft Store 及 Steam 平台,并首发加入 Game Pass!#互动抽奖# 抽6 位幸运瓜农分别送出【《Avowed(宣誓)》定制周边套装x1】、【Avowed(宣誓)》夜辉孢子手柄防尘塞x5】聚鹿特使的手柄竟然长着蘑菇……这很合理🍄#Xbox##XGP ...