Timesheet & Payroll Info Payroll Forms Enrollment Forms Apply to Join the Registry Consumer A Consumer is a low-income elderly or disabled individual who is a recipient of In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS). IHSS Services I Need to Find a Provider ...
I have been trying to submit my timesheet it took 2 days then to get my timesheet approved my client couldn’t approve my time for 2 days. The sight was having problems which now caused my check to be delayed Aide1222,2019/04/12 ...
if they would like to check-in or check-out, and select if they are in the home or in the community. Additionally, the app will conveniently add the provider’s hours to their IHSS Timesheet at the end of their workday. While the IHSS EVV app captures the start time, end time, and...
Everything California’s In-Home Supportive Services caregivers need all in one place, wherever you are. Get help planning your timesheets, check the status of your paycheck, explore member benefits, and more—all at your fingertips. Saving you time that can be better spent on your clients, ...
Providers are guided step-by-step to choose the recipient they are working for, if they would like to check-in or check-out, and select if they are in the home or in the community. Additionally, the app will conveniently add the provider’s hours to their IHSS Timesheet at the end of...