Earn 1,500 IHG One Rewards points on every Hertz car rental. Plus, get more points each day. BOOK NOW Cash in on the coolest experiences More ways to rock Get up close and personal or hang with the crowd at this year’s hottest music festivals. It’s your choice with IHG One Rew...
5.预订积分+现金再取消(Points & Cash )其实预订酒店时可以通过“积分+现金”的方式预订,这种订单取消后将会以全积分退还到原账户,相当于用现金购买积分。(这个是重要玩法,非常适合出现积分BUG房然后手头积分不足或着急用积分但暂无积分大促这种时间)但该方法理论上不会低于买分促销时的 $5 美元/千分。所...
Earn 1,500 IHG One Rewards points on every Hertz car rental. Plus, get more points each day. BOOK NOW Cash in on the coolest experiences More ways to rock Get up close and personal or hang with the crowd at this year’s hottest music festivals. It’s your choice with IHG One Rew...
Points 或者 Points + Cash 都有折扣(如果是C+P那么只有P部分会打折) 预定时间:2024年4月27日前 入住时间:2024年6月10日前 IHG系列的酒店已经没有兑换表这个概念了,基本都是浮动兑换,有时也能找到一些不错的兑换选项,叠加这类折扣兑换就更有价值了。这个85折优惠隔几个月就会来一次,有需求的朋友赶紧上吧,...
Don't have enough points? There are also Points + Pay options available when you select how many points you’d like to use and top up the rest of the room rate with cash. Points & Cash:IHG will, from time to time, offer a limited number of deeply-discounted stays for as little as...
For your sensible self: enjoy offers & packages Pay with points & cash Book your next trip by combining points with cash. With Points & Cash you get the flexibility to choose how many points you use. Book now Buy, gift, or transfer points ...
活动地址:http://www.ihg.com/hotels/us/en/global/offers/packages/pointsandcash_5Koffer 这个活动我告诉大家应该怎么玩,尽量选择洲际酒店旗下的假日快捷酒店,也就是 Holiday Inn Express 这个品牌,尽量选择积分加现金的方式入住参加活动。 我们随便找一家北京的假日快捷酒店,采取积分加现金的方式入住,因为活动会返...
When you have questions or need information, Chase and IHG® are both just a click away. Learn more to manage your IHG account IHG One Rewards Use your points for everything from hotel stays to gift cards, IHG® catalog redemptions and more. Learn more about rewards redemptions IHG...
IHG One Rewards 的積分房促銷活動又來了,Chase IHG 信用卡持有者以及IHG Platinum/IHG Diamond會員都可以參與: 積分房15%折扣 最多連續兌換3晚(因為聯名卡有第四晚免費的福利) Points 或者 Points + Cash 都有折扣(如果是C+P那麼只有P部分會打折) 預定時間:2024年1月14日前 入住時間… ...