IHG® 优悦会会员可在全球 6,000 多家酒店臻享专属礼遇,并赚取积分来兑换奖励住宿和更多礼遇。 随心行,随意住,IHG 优悦会为您的旅程带来丰厚奖赏。 探索我们的酒店及度假村 会员可享更多礼遇 赚取积分,兑换奖励住宿 无禁止兑换日期 享受会员专享房价及优惠 ...
One of the biggest benefits of being an IHG One Rewards member is earning points that you can use on future stays. Whether you want to redeem a night entirely in points or use a combo of your points and cash, your rewards give you the flexibility to stay
具体方式是这样子的: 我们知道,IHG 除了可以全积分方式兑换免房,还可以通过“积分+现金(Points & Cash)”的方式来兑换免房。当您取消订房的时候,积分部分全额退还,而现金部分会自动兑换成积分退还,不扣除任何手续费。 现金部分退还的积分分数是:全积分兑换时的分数减去积分部分的分数。简单来说就是,总共退还的分...
Stays must be at participating IHG hotels and booked at a qualifying rate, with a minimum spend of $30 USD per night (or local equivalent). Award Nights and Points & Cash bookings do not count as qualifying stays. Only one room per night counts toward the offer, even if multiple rooms...
Points and Cash (Opens Overlay) You can still get the reward you want — just combine your IHG One Rewards points with cash. Learn more about IHG points plus cash (Opens Overlay) Gift Cards (Opens Overlay) From shopping sprees to incredible restaurants, you’ll have no shortage of ap...
Points 或者 Points + Cash 都有折扣(如果是C+P那么只有P部分会打折) 预定时间:2024年1月14日前 入住时间:2024年2月22日前 IHG系列的酒店已经没有兑换表这个概念了,基本都是浮动兑换,不过有时也能找到一些不错的兑换选项,叠加这类折扣兑换就更有价值了。这个85折优惠隔几个月就会来一次。
活动地址:http://www.ihg.com/hotels/us/en/global/offers/packages/pointsandcash_5Koffer 这个活动我告诉大家应该怎么玩,尽量选择洲际酒店旗下的假日快捷酒店,也就是 Holiday Inn Express 这个品牌,尽量选择积分加现金的方式入住参加活动。 我们随便找一家北京的假日快捷酒店,采取积分加现金的方式入住,因为活动会返...
With Points & Cash you get the flexibility to choose how many points you use. Book now Buy, gift, or transfer points Enjoy endless possibilities with Points Purchase. Buy Points Earn towards flights IHG One Rewards Members can earn miles for their stays. Learn more It's ...
Pay with points & cash Book your next trip by combining points with cash. With Points & Cash you get the flexibility to choose how many points you use. Book now Buy, gift, or transfer points Enjoy endless possibilities with Points Purchase. ...
Points 或者 Points + Cash 都有折扣(如果是C+P那么只有P部分会打折) 预定时间:2024年1月14日前 入住时间:2024年2月22日前 IHG系列的酒店已经没有兑换表这个概念了,基本都是浮动兑换,不过有时也能找到一些不错的兑换选项,叠加这类折扣兑换就更有价值了。这个85折优惠隔几个月就会来一次。 2024年1月促销:双...