Check out the latest ways to earn and spend IHG One Rewards points with our partners when you're on the road, dining out, or at home.
Check out the latest ways to earn and spend IHG One Rewards points with our partners when you're on the road, dining out, or at home.
洲際酒店集團 Intercontinental Hotels Group,簡稱 IHG,是總部設在英國的一家國際化酒店管理集團。他家的常旅客計劃就叫 IHG 優悅會(IHG One Rewards)。這篇IHG會員攻略把各種基礎知識做了全面的彙總,能讓大家對 IHG 會員及IHG One Rewards 有個全面的了解。 本文是IHG會員的入門攻略,更多進階攻略請訪問:IHG優悅會... 2.1 酒店住宿 入住酒店时,大部分酒店品牌都是每消费 $1 美元获得 10 点积分(基础积分)。▼ 在基础积分之外,银卡以上的精英会员可获额外奖励,银卡 20%,金卡 40%,白金卡 60%,钻石卡 100%。那么,每消费 $1 ...
Welcome IHG One Rewards Members! Our members are getting more access than ever before to must-see concerts, once-in-a-lifetime sporting events, unique culinary experiences, and more. Check them out here.
IHG One Rewards洲际优悦会- 免费注册入会,可以累积积分,有会员订房折扣。 洲际大使计划 - 付费会员计划,价格是200美元,也可以用4万积分兑换。 IHG Business Rewards 商悦会计划 – 只适用于要在洲际酒店办理年会、婚宴、商务活动的人,每消费1美元可以获得3积分,也就是变相的返利,并不适用于大多数人。
本頁包含洲際酒店集團以及忠誠計畫優悅會 IHG One Rewards 當前最新的 IHG 活動優惠,包括積分獎勵、定向活動、訂房優惠、餐飲折扣、積分特賣等等。大家可以收藏這個頁面,在預定酒店前作為參考。 更新於2025年03月。 目錄 一、IHG 2025年Q1活動 二、IHG 活動/訂房優惠 ...
Here’s what you need to know about the IHG One Rewards program. The Crowne Plaza Dhaka Gulshan in Bangladesh. Photo courtesy of IHG. What are my IHG points worth? Based on our most recent analysis, NerdWallet values IHG points at 0.5 cent apiece. You can use our IHG rewards points calc...
IHG One Rewards is a loyalty program for IHG Hotels: Regent, Six Senses, InterContinental, Vignette, Kimpton, Hualuxe, Crowne Plaza, Indigo, Voco, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Resort, Holiday Inn Club Vacations, Holiday Inn Express, Avid, Atwell Suites, Staybridge Suites, Candlewood Suites, and Eve...
Here’s everything you need to know about the IHG One Rewards program. How much are IHG One Rewards points worth? The value of IHG points can vary depending on several factors, including how and where you redeem them. You’ll typically get the highest value by redeeming IHG poin...