Mansões distintas, deslumbrantes paisagens sulistas e ótimas compras — sim, Atlanta tem estilo. A cidade também é um centro comercial e de transporte com mais de uma dezena de empresas Fortune 500 e o aeroporto mais movimentado do mundo. Mas se você está aqui a negócios, a lazer... IVED2 的操作和 IVEDI 类似,您需要在“Rate Preference”中选择“IHG Employee Flex Rate”才能查询到 IVED2 员工价。▼ 下图是港岛英迪格酒店的 IVED2 员工价,相比 IVEDI 的折扣力度差了许多,但是胜在所有房...
IHG has a broad portfolio of brands, including the luxury InterContinental Hotels and the avant-garde Hotel Indigo. Here's a list of the IHG best hotels all around the world where to spend a night at least once in a lifetime. It goes without saying that they all are Welcome Chinese cert... 点击 IVEDI 预订链接进入官网后,页面会提示:“No locations match the provided destination.”,没关系,您只要点击“Change Search”重新搜索就行了。但是您必须在“Rate Preference”中选择“IHG Employee Rate”才能查询到 IVEDI...
IVED2 预订链接: IVED2 的操作和 IVEDI 类似,您需要在“Rate Preference”中选择“IHG Employee Flex Rate”才能查询到 IVED2 员工价。▼ 下图是港岛英迪格酒店的IVED2 员工价,相比 IVEDI 的折扣力度差了许多,但是胜在所有房型都能... 日期选择三天,周五和周六入住均可,中东地区除外,该地区可能定义为周四周五周六 021-20334882大使专线 打开上方链接进入官网后,在“价格偏好”中就多了一项“洲际大使免费周末住宿”的选项,打上勾之后查询,就能看到这个大使...
At IHG Army Hotels, the right place to stay is right on post. Book hotels designed for military, families and retirees. Enjoy updated rooms and new amenities.
At IHG Army Hotels, the right place to stay is right on post. Book hotels designed for military, families and retirees. Enjoy updated rooms and new amenities. 有人脑子灵活把周末那2晚卖掉以后白嫖了大使会员这种也是存在的。购买大使获得的白金会籍有效期一年(续费有现金和积分,当然现金续费最划算了), 就可以去参加周末精英连住6.8折,套房连住5折起的活动了!
At IHG Army Hotels, the right place to stay is right on post. Book hotels designed for military, families and retirees. Enjoy updated rooms and new amenities.