开业:2018雅加达本朵茵达洲际酒店 (InterContinental Jakarta Pondok Indah) 位于雅加达南部的中心地带,设有 311 间装潢典雅的客房和套房。矗立在本朵茵达的高档购物商业区,彰显这座大厦的高大雄伟,宛如精英社区皇冠上的一颗璀璨明珠。这里是该市精英群体的居住地,也是知名国际学校的所在地。酒店坐落于高端商业建筑综合体...
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Hotel FORMULE1 Hyderabad Hitec City An AccorHotels Brand Formule1 FORMULE1 Hyderabad Hitec City Hotel Holiday Inn Express Hyderabad Hitec City Hotel FORMULE1 Hyderabad Hitec City Hotel FORMULE1 Hyderabad Hitec City Holiday Inn Express Hyderabad Hitec City Holiday Inn Express Hyderabad Hitec ...
Industry Hotels Sector Leisure/Arts/Hospitality Fiscal Year-end 12/2024 Revenue $3.72B Net Income $603.35M 2023 Sales Growth 17.73% Employees 13,462 Board of Directors Deanna Watson Oppenheimer Non-Executive Chairman Elie W. Maalouf Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director Michael...
Manor Ln, 梅登黑德显示地图 洲际酒店集团假日酒店梅登黑德温莎位于梅登黑德,距离诸圣堂只有 3 分钟车程,距离梅登黑德铁路桥 (梅登黑德高架桥)有 6 分钟车程。 此酒店距离布雷码头 3.6 英里(5.7 公里),距离斯坦利斯宾塞美术画廊 4.6 英里(7.4 公里)。查看更多 ...
This was our least favorite of 4 Holiday Inn Express hotels we stayed in on a recent trip. This was probably most influenced by a saggy mattress, but we also had a problem with the refrigerator freezing some of our food and we needed help (and a ...
Sotetsu Hotels The Splaisir Seoul Myeongdong 4.6/5 Fantastic 1K+ reviews 500m from downtown,Jung-gu,Seoul Fitness Business center Incl. taxes per night £48.27 1/5 Nine Tree Premier Hotel Myeongdong 2 NINE TREE BY PARNAS SEOUL MYEONDONG 2 ...
开业:2015欢迎光临 InterContinental Bandung Dago Pakar,在这里,宁静与奢华、商务与放纵相遇。 万隆洲际酒店周围环绕着山景高尔夫球场,靠近 Taman Hutan Raya Djuanda,距离侯赛因萨斯特拉尼加拉机场仅 45 分钟车程,无疑是您住宿和放松的理想场所。 体验酒店宽敞、先进的会议空间、最浪漫的婚礼场地以及享有迷人景色的国际标准...
装修:2025不论是商务还是休闲旅客,利雅得皇宫皇冠假日酒店都能让您的利雅得之行变得更加美好而难忘。从酒店很方便到达利雅得火车站,仅有3km距离。包括The Ministry of Interior、沙特阿拉伯国家博物馆和King Abdulaziz Historical Center都在短距离内,入住酒店的旅客在该地区游览会很方便。酒店邻近多个热门旅游景点,包括穆拉...