charge may not be applied to that Pay Over Time balance. Instead the statement credit may be applied to your Pay in Full balance. If you believe this has occurred, please contact us by calling the number on the back of your Card. Corporate Card Members are not ...
I called the toll free number to explain to IHG what happened, and they said the hotel had to refund the charge, even though it was their Corporate app that took my charge in the first place. I couldn’t believe the finger pointing between the corporate entity and the franchisee. In ...
Two days later ( a 4-night stay) I spoke to the morning front desk person (after getting her attention from the back office area where she was playing on her cell phone) and asked to have my room serviced that day with ...
_ IT will be informing the general manager / front office / duty managers that there will be a prolonged system downtime. Duty managers will be responsible in giving the out the word for every other department and outlets. IT通知总经理/前厅部/值班经理将会有长时间的系统停机。值班经理负责将...
I called the toll free number to explain to IHG what happened, and they said the hotel had to refund the charge, even though it was their Corporate app that took my charge in the first place. I couldn’t believe the finger pointing between the corporate entity and the franchisee. In ...
I called the toll free number to explain to IHG what happened, and they said the hotel had to refund the charge, even though it was their Corporate app that took my charge in the first place. I couldn’t believe the finger pointing between the corporate entity and the franchisee. In ...