Using IHG Corporate Codes to get discounted hotel rates is a great way to save up to 50% on your hotel stays. They are very easy to use, you just need to understand what these codes are, how to use them, and which ones provide the best discount. These codes work at some of the m...
philips 953100013 Marriott Corporate Codes 万豪酒店协议价代码 General Electric GEE IBM IBM Ford FRD SAP SAP Pepsi PEP General Motors GMC Accenture ACC AT&T ATT Siemens SIE Hyatt Corporate Codes 凯悦酒店的协议价代码 16700 GE 13307 General Electric Fin Ho 13717 IBM 16733 Nec 61059 Worldrate 12114 L...
Carlson Hotels Corporate Codes Hilton - HHonors(9) Hotel Corp Code Some of Hilton corporate discount code list Consolidated list for the Hyatt, InterContinental and Marriott Hilton The Team Member Travel Program Hilton MVP & TEAMUSA 15%-20% Discount Codes ...
If you know of additional codes, please post at comments, and I will update the list. Also, if you think any of the codes should not be posted here for any reason (e.g., proprietary corporate codes etc.), please let me know. To book any of these rates online, use the links provi...
How to Pre-Order:Visit the Festive Online Shop or email the order form to mooncake@goodwoodparkhotel.com. For queries, call 6730 1867 (corporate) or 6730 1868 (general). Walk-in purchases are available at The Deli from 10am – 8pm. Last pre-order date is 12 September 2024. ...
Now live, the new Wi-Fi Auto Connect feature seamlessly connects loyalty members' mobile devices upon entering hotels; available at more than 5,000+ IHG hotels worldwide ATLANTA, June 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- IHG Hotels & Resorts (IHG), a leading hotel company with...
2、本宝贝支持自助购买,拍下付款后客服会给您发送协议价代码(Corporate Codes); 3、本宝贝无需办卡专员受理; 4、请勿邮件咨询已有答案的问题(包括宝贝标题、描述解答过的问题); 5、为了您的信息安全,请您选择匿名购买。 凡在本店购买航空、酒店贵宾卡且在办理成功后24小时内确认收货并5分+10字以上好评的旅客、...
很多大公司每年都有大量差旅、接待客户或者会议的需求,所以他们更倾向于与酒店签订协议,以获得更多的折扣,降低费用。而酒店方面虽然利润降低了,但是却能获得长期稳定的客户,薄利多销,也可谓双赢。 签订协议后,酒店集团方面通常会提供一个代码,以方便公司员工预订时使用,也就是我们常说的“协议价代码”。
IHG Corporate Codes 洲际酒店协议价代码 Cisco 954410926 Oracle 100183394 IBM 000243132 General Electric 000102806 3M 000101672 Microsoft 100857558 Network Appliance 954284247 siemens 000104256 Motorola 128554 Dell 954284898 Wal-Mart Stores 000293512 Lenovo 100211707 ...