Side menu ends Opens Marketplace homepage in the same window Sign inOpens Chase account sign in within a new window IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card Sign in to apply fasterOpens in a new windowApply as a guestOpens in a new window ...
Sign inOpens Chase account sign in within a new window LIMITED-TIME OFFER! EarnBonus Points After you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening. Earn IHG One Rewards points on every purchase.Up to 26X points total per $1 spent when you stay at IHG®Hote...
Chase IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card 洲际酒店信用卡简介 【2025.2 更新】5FN开卡奖励过期了,170k 开卡奖励还在。 【2025.1 更新2】现在有 5FN (up to 40k) 开卡奖励,不如以前 5FN (up to 60k) 但是也还可以,适合有明确兑换需求知道40k的FN就够用的朋友。HT:美卡论坛 hexhu。同时还有170k的开卡奖...
Chase is not responsible for offer fulfillment. Footnote 3 Global Entry or TSA PreCheck® or NEXUS Application Fee Statement Credit: You will receive one statement credit every four years (up to $120) after the first program (either Global Entry or TSA PreCheck® or NEXUS) application fee...
When you have questions or need information, Chase and IHG® are both just a click away. Learn more to manage your IHG account IHG One Rewards Use your points for everything from hotel stays to gift cards, IHG® catalog redemptions and more. Learn more about rewards redemptions IHG...
Chase 在2018年推出了新版的IHG Premier 信用卡(现在年费 $99),同时,旧版年费$49的 IHG 信用卡不接受新的申请,但是已经持有的$49年费 IHG 信用卡可以继续保留。在2022年3月24日之前,持有$49年费老卡的持卡人,如果满足5/24规则,可以申请新的$99年费...
$99年費版 Chase IHG Premier 開卡獎勵更高、還每年送一晚 free night,所以如果你對IHG酒店集團感興趣,還是更推薦申請 IHG Premier 卡。這張 IHG Traveler 因為沒有年費,所以很適合作為降級選項。申請的話就意思不大了,Chase 5/24 位置有限,不如申開卡獎勵更高的卡。
$99年费版 Chase IHG Premier 开卡奖励更高、还每年送一晚 free night,所以如果你对IHG酒店集团感兴趣,还是更推荐申请 IHG Premier 卡。这张 IHG Traveler 因为没有年费,所以很适合作为降级选项。申请的话就意思不大了,Chase 5/24 位置有限,不如申开卡奖励更高的卡。
因此,从性价比角度看,Chase IHG信用卡无疑是Chase系列中最值得长期持有的一张。5)膳悦会(IHG Dining Rewards)膳悦会是洲际优悦会旗下的一个餐饮优惠计划。加入后,您将享受到以下福利:a. 获得一张任意级别的免房券。b. 洲际优悦会会员级别提升1级。c. 在洲际旗下酒店用餐时,食品饮料享受75折优惠。d...