IH-144-E BD144 / BD144A / BD144C > International Diesel Engine Reference Guide To use this International Diesel Engine Reference, locate your model of equipment or Engine and click on the text. Clicking on the text will take you to the Catalog Page of Parts for Sale for your specific ...
Ca3073063 307-3063 3073063 Hydraulic Variable Piston/Tractor/Charger/Double Gear /Electric /Vane/Power /Air/Oil Pump 416e, 416f, 422f, 428f, 434f Backhoe Loader US$299.00-399.00 / Piece Hydraulic Variable /Tractor/Charg...
Axle PlanetaryPINION GEAR # 81325C1 Planetary gear front axle (MFWD). Tractors: w/APL330 axles 385, 395, 485, 495, 585, 595, 685, 695, 743, 745, 745S, 785, 795, 844, 844S, 845, 856, 885, 895, 985, 995. Tractors: w/APL335 axles 385, 485, 585, 685, 695, 743, 745, 7...