1、CGST–中央的商品和服务税,用于邦内的销售征税并由联邦政府(相当于印度的“中央”)收取; 2、SGST–邦/联邦属地的商品和服务税,用于邦内销售征税并由邦或者联邦属地的政府收; 3、IGST–集成商品和服务税,用于邦内间销售征税并由联邦政府收取,其中IGST是CGST和SGST的总和;SGST是由消费发生所在邦中剥离出来的。
根据GST,SGST是州政府对州内商品和服务的内部供应征收的税种,将受《 SGST法》的管辖。如上文所述,对同一个州内供应也将征收CGST,但由中央政府管辖。 注意:只能根据SGST或IGST进项税抵免额抵销在SGST下获得的任何应纳税额。 CGST和SGST的示例: 假设拉杰什(Rajesh)是马哈拉施特拉邦的商人,他以价值卢比的价格将商...
根据GST,SGST是州政府对州内商品和服务的内部供应征收的税种,将受《 SGST法》的管辖。如上文所述,对同一个州内供应也将征收CGST,但由中央政府管辖。 注意:只能根据SGST或IGST进项税抵免额抵销在SGST下获得的任何应纳税额。 CGST和SGST的示例: 假设拉杰什(Rajesh)是马哈拉施特拉邦的商人,他以价值卢比的价格将商...
根据GST,SGST是州政府对州内商品和服务的内部供应征收的税种,将受《 SGST法》的管辖。如上文所述,对同一个州内供应也将征收CGST,但由中央政府管辖。 注意:只能根据SGST或IGST进项税抵免额抵销在SGST下获得的任何应纳税额。 CGST和SGST的示例: 假设拉杰什(Rajesh)是马哈拉施特拉邦的商人,他以价值卢比的价格将商...
1、CGST–中央的商品和服务税,用于邦内的销售征税并由联邦政府(相当于印度的“中央”)收取; 2、SGST–邦/联邦属地的商品和服务税,用于邦内销售征税并由邦或者联邦属地的政府收; 3、IGST–集成商品和服务税,用于邦内间销售征税并由联邦政府收取,其中IGST是CGST和SGST的总和;SGST是由消费发生所在邦中剥离出来的。
CGST Central goods and services tax. GST replaces which taxes? Before the introduction ofGST, there were multiple taxes, such as the service tax, central excise, and state value-added tax (VAT). However, GST is just one tax with three categories—IGST, SGST, and CGST—that depend on whe...
CGST, SGST & IGST are the three pillars of goods & service tax (GST). Good and Service Tax (GST) is an Indirect tax which came into effect on July 1, 2017. GST was introduced to replace the hassle of multiple taxations in India under the slogan, “One Nation, One Tax”. Prior to...
IGST means Integrated Goods and Service Tax, one of the three categories under Goods and Service Tax (CGST, IGST and SGST) with a concept of one tax one nation. IGST falls under Integrated Goods and Service Tax Act 2016. IGST is charged when movement of goods and services from one state...
SGST / UTGST- State GST / Union Territory GST IGST - Integrated GST What is CGST? CGST rate or Central GST rate is levied on the intrastate supply of goods and services. The proceeds of which will be attributable to the Centre, as per theCGST Act. ...
CGST, IGST and Additional Tax components will be accounted for under Consolidated Fund of India (CFI). Transfers of due IGST amount and Additional Tax to the States can thereafter be made there from as per the existing procedure. The interest, penalty, fees or other charges, if any, under...