IGS RTS产品 实时数据流 数据中断 插值修复 精密单点定位针对IGS RTS(real time service)实时数据流产品难以避免的数据中断现象,开展了RTS数据中断修复方法研究,提出"插值修复"方法.在对RTS数据中断的区间分布进行统计分析的基础上,选取15min为可修复的最大数据中断区间;采用常用的拉格朗日插值方法进行RTS轨道数据中断修...
总结与展望目录1、 研究背景2、 产品分析3、定位试验和精度分析4、 总结与展望1、研究背景RTPP (Real-Time Pilot Project)计划2007年正式提供实时服务RTS(Real-Time Service)2013年国际GPS服务(IGS)机构成立1992年IGS Final产品IGS快速产品(IGR)IGS超快速产品(IGU)1994年2000年1、研究背景IGS RTS是基于Internet以NTR...
IGS Real-time Pilot Project’’ (http://.rtigs.net). In August 2011, the RTWG declared that the pilot project had reached the initial operating capability, providing access to continuous streams with GNSS data, precise orbit and clock corrections. IGS RTS has been officially launched on ...
IGS RTS provides real-time corrections via the Internet, intermittent data loss can occur due to software or hardware failures. We propose applying a genetic algorithm autoregressive moving average (GA-ARMA) model to predict the IGS RTS corrections during data loss periods. The RTS orbit and ...
The availability of IGS Real-Time Service (RTS) products makes Precise Point Positioning (PPP) a very powerful technique to process GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) signals in real-time. There are still, however, some limitations of PPP. A significant change in satellite geometry is requ...
IGS RTSSatellite clock offset predictionClock drift constraintSatellite clock offsets prediction is crucial for GNSS applications and has attracted much attention from the GNSS community. However, previous satellite clock offset prediction was mostly carried......
IGS-RTS PPP-based positioning technique and the real-time PPP-based positioning by using the predicted part of the IGS Ultra-Rapid products and the real-time GPS positioning technique with the Wide Area Differential GPS service (WADGPS). It is shown that the IGS-RTS PPP-based positioning ...