本日、1 月にリリースされる Windows App SDK 1.7 Experimental 2 内で、開発者がアクセスできるようになる Windows Copilot Runtime の 4 つの新しいイメージ処理 API を発表できることをうれしく思います。画像スーパー解像度: このAPI は、画像の解像度をアップスケールすると同...
本日、1 月にリリースされる Windows App SDK 1.7 Experimental 2 内で、開発者がアクセスできるようになる Windows Copilot Runtime の 4 つの新しいイメージ処理 API を発表できることをうれしく思います。画像スーパー解像度: このAPI は、画像の解像度をアップスケールすると同時に、...
Smart App Control and App Control for Business policies provide peace of mind that only verified apps can run on your device, helping fend off attacks like malicious attachments or even social engineered malware. Windows Hello authentication has been extended to passkeys, so that you no longer ...
we are making big changes to deliver the highest level of Windows security.Smart App ControlandApp Control for Businesspolicies provide peace of mind that only verified apps can run on your device, helping fend off attacks like malicious attachments or even social engineered...
User-centric security enhancements:Guided by the Microsoft Secure Future Initiative, we are making three big changes to deliver the highest level of Windows security.Smart App ControlandApp Control for Businesspolicies to provide peace of mind that only verified apps can run on your device,...
This single sign-on experience even carries into the Cloud PC, so the employee can immediately be productive on any Microsoft 365 or Azure AD-registered app. Stay tuned for more updates. Announcing new cloud-optimized IT management capabilities ...
集微网消息,据ZDnet报道,英特尔周日在特拉维夫宣布了一项新计划,旨在帮助以色列初创企业开发人工智能(AI)和自主系统。 该项目名为“点燃”(Ignite),将为10至15家初创企业提供为期20周的商业和技术指导,由英特尔和行业专家担任。英特尔还表示,目前没有向参与该计划的初创企业寻求股权或知识产权的计划,但未来可能会这样做...
App Config key not working App setting inacessible due to protection level App.config for multiple groups of same key/value pairs App.config for release and another for debug app.config giving problem('Unrecognized configuration section ) app.config multiple values for a key App.config not being...
Therefore, fine-grained lignite (0.6-1.2mm) in various portions (up to 15% w/w of coarse aggregate) was added to the PC mixture. The workability, strength, cementitious paste thickness, and physical properties of LPC were examined for further application in urban areas with a focus on ...
Microsoft also said that OneNote 2016 isn’t quite dead yet. Mainstream support has been extended indefinitely, complementing the existing OneNote app already in Windows. Dark mode and “@mentions” will also arrive for OneNote users and Office 365 subscribers next year, ...