With the exception of the westernmost part (Lugo Dome), where granitic plutonism becomes comparable to that in the Central Iberian Zone, magmatic activity in the West Asturian Leonese Zone (WALZ) is very scarce. For the rest, it is only represented by small plutons and stocks almost restrict...
Sample extracted from Hyalite Canyon near Bozeman, MT. Sample is from the Eocene (~56-34 Ma) Absaroka Volcanic rocks. - Igneous Rock 08 Lab - 3D model by R.E.V.E.A.L. the Geosciences (@revealbyui)
Sampled near Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho - Sample for Online Igneous Lab Classification - Igneous Rock Lab 07 - 3D model by R.E.V.E.A.L. the Geosciences (@revealbyui)
Earth processes continually produce new rock through volcanic activity, the breakdown, transportation, as well as deposition of pre-existing rock, and the subjection of pre-existing rock to varying pressures and temperatures caused by tectonic forces. In this lab, the student will learn how to ...
Mid-Late Cretaceous igneous activity in South China: the Qianjia example, Hainan IslandZircon agesMid-Late Cretaceous intrusive rocksSouth ChinaHainan IslandNeo-Tethys plateBoth Pacific and Neo-Tethys plates had major influences on the Cretaceous magmatisms in southeastern China. The subduction of the...
Di Stefano F, Mollo S, Ubide T, Petrone CM, Caulfield J, Scarlato P, Nazzari M, Andronico D, Del Bello E (2020) Mush cannibalism and disruption recorded by clinopyroxene phenocrysts at Stromboli volcano: New insights from recent 2003–2017 activity. Lithos 360:105440 Doroshkevich AG, Cheb...
Ordovician rock series are also well documented within the Variscan basements of Alps (von Raumer et al. 2013). Frisch et al. (1984) explained the magmatic activity by Cambrian-Or- dovician rifting that should have occurred along the northern Gondwana margin; (3) Variscan and post-Var- ...
One possible tectonic explanation for the Licheng LIP is that this event could be a late-stage activity of the same mantle plume responsible for the 1.32 Ga Yanliao LIP in the northern NCC. After separating NAC and NCC at 1.32 Ga, the two cratons drifted separately, and the NCC moved ...
Although previous studies have proposed that the formation of pyrobitumen within the strata may have been affected by occasional hydrothermal activity associated with the ELIP18,25,30, their evidence is not sufficient to directly link the massive generation of oil-cracked CH4within the ELIP to the ...
A number of experimental CO2 solubility data for silicate and aluminosilicate melts at a variety of P- T conditions are consistent with solution of CO2 in