其实这个标题《10 Games Like Genshin Impact to Play Next》就是直观理解为:向原神玩家推荐长草时可以...
原文地址:https://www.ign.com/articles/best-games-like-genshin-impact 1.塞尔达传说 旷野之息(原文配图就是《王国之泪》) 2.渡神纪 芬尼克斯崛起 3.索尼克 未知边境 4.最终幻想14 5.女神异闻录5 6.奇娅 7.崩坏3 8.破晓传说 9.二之国2 幽灵国度 10.异度神剑X...
xxx like才是游戏类型,like xxx是单纯的陈述句。原文只是介绍原神并介绍和原神类型相似的游戏。主打大世...
Frontiers(未知边境)与Genshin Impact(原神)相似,因索尼克每次提升或潜入水下时都会在他旁边获得耐力计,能够爬上结构,拥有技能树,体验日循环,并拥有导航系统,可以引导他想要的目的地。更不用说他完成的谜题和挑战会揭示更多地点。FFF:什么时候耐力计,爬墙,技能树,昼夜循环,导航系统成了原神like标准?七....
IGN今天整理了一个《10款接下来可以玩的类似原神的游戏》,他们表示这个榜单包含了“科幻版《原神》”,也有《旷野之息》这样的开放世界游戏,推荐给那些想在游玩《原神》途中休息一下,并体验类似作品的玩家。原文地址:https://www.ign.com/articles/best-games-like-genshin-impact ...
看全文内容其实还好,一本正经的推荐。也可能是语境差别感觉像是钓鱼贴,但这篇文的封面好大的“Games Like Genshin Impact”,只能说IGN是懂流量的。 两者之间的相似性,老生常谈的问题,不多说。就好比DOTA和LOL,虽不恰当,但也差不多。 每个玩过的玩家心中都会有自己的理解。而让更多玩家介意的其实是,是否助长...
See our list ofgames like Genshin Impactfor more like this. PS Store Link| IGN'sGenshin Impact Review Destiny 2 The legendary looter shooter from Bungie became free to play in 2019. With the base game available to everyone, it’s never been a better time to become a Guardian and begin...
Genshin Impact’s story is one of its weaker points, using just about every anime character trope and story cliche in the book. Characters will re-explain the same magical jargon like they’re getting paid by the word, and the story meanders from one amusing misadventure to another with lit...
Like in BOTW, you can reach any location you can see in Genshin’s expansive open world. The map screen showed vast areas to explore, much of which the development team is still in the process of creating.就像在旷野之息,你可以到达你在原神广阔的开放世界中看到的任何地点。地图界面显示了需要...
Genshin Impact is coming to Xbox, according to an announcement during gamescom Opening Night Live today. In a new trailer, we got another look at the upcoming new nation, Natlan, which is planned to arrive in the 5.0 update on August 28. The trailer show