The Western monasticism from the 9th century is also addressed, focusing on the rules of Augustine and Benedict and the changes during the Gregorian reform.TORRES JIMNEZ, RaquelAnuario de Historia de la Iglesia
La producción documental de la Iglesia de Sevilla en la Edad Media: fuentes, normas y actoresdoi:10.5209/elem.88044SEVILLE (Spain)SEATING (Furniture)NOTARIESSCRIPTSIn the following lines we make an approach to a not explored topic: the documentary production of the Sevillian Church,...
In this way, ecclesiastical institutions tried to extend their jurisdiction to different secular groups as a way of establishing bonds and clienteles, reinforcing their social influence. The city responded by defending its jurisdiction and its tax capacity to avoid the diminut...
Nobleza versus Clero: el patronato de la Iglesia de Santa Marina en Fernán Núez durante la Edad Modernadoi:10.5944/rdh.30.2017.18203This article discusses the importance of the patronage of religious foundations and social conflictivity generated around it, because it w...