Preferential IgH V4-34 gene segment usage in particular subtypes of B- cell lymphoma detected by antibody 9G4. Hum Pathol. 1998;29:1317- 1321.William K Funkhouser,Roger A Warnke.  Preferential IgH V4-34 gene segment usage in particular subtypes of B-cell lymphoma detected by antibody 9G...
Taken together, our results indicate that unlike other IGHV4-34 bearing IGs, CLL subset 4 mAbs have only limited reactivity to autoantigens, including linear NAL epitopes. Instead, this subset has acquired specific recognition of subtypes of an infectious agent, influenza A (H3 and H1), apparen...
问:月经推迟一个月后不来月经下面少量出血有白带下面还有点酸是怎么回事(女,20岁) 答:如果没有怀孕可能 那现在是要来月经了,您最好去医院检查一下 做个超声看子宫内膜厚度 再查性激素六项,我的观点是您应该是月经紊乱,糜烂不会这样。
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Trametinib for the treatment of IGHV4-34, MAP2K1-mutant variant hairy cell leukemiaLeslie A. AndritsosDivision of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA;Nicole R. GrieselhuberDivision of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State...
High prevalence of MAP2K1 muta- tions in variant and IGHV4-34-expressing hairy-cell leukemias. Nat Genet. 2014;46(1):8-10.Waterfall JJ, Arons E, Walker RL, Pineda M, Roth L, Killian JK, et al. High prevalence of MAP2K1 mutations in variant and IGHV4-34 expressing hairy-cell ...
Trametinib for the treatment of IGHV4-34, MAP2K1-mutant variant hairy cell leukemiadoi:10.1080/10428194.2017.1365853Leslie A AndritsosNicole R GrieselhuberMirela AnghelinaKerry A RogersSameek RoychowdhuryJulie W ReeserCynthia D TimmersAharon G Freud...
Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma presenting cold agglutinin syndrome: Clonal expansion of KMT2D and IGHV4‐34 mutations after COVID‐19doi:10.1111/bjh.19106BONE marrow cellsSCOTOMACOVID-19AGGLUTINATIONERYTHROCYTESWALDENSTROM'S macroglobulinemiaSYNDROMESThis article discusses a case of lymphoplasmacy...
IGHV4-34MALT lymphomaTNFAIP3 mutationsocular adnexaAssociations between immunoglobulin (IG) receptors with distinctive immunogenetic features and particular gene mutations are a recurring theme in mature B-cell lymphomas. Relevant observations have been made in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), where ...