Igtropin IGF1 LR3 10 vials GenSci description, Igtropin IGF1 LR3 10 vials GenSci side effects, Igtropin IGF1 LR3 10 vials GenSci price, Igtropin IGF1 LR3 10 vials GenSci substance, Igtropin IGF1 LR3 10 vials GenSci reviewanabolics
Dosing, Administration, and Use of IGF-1 Dosages are as follows for IGF-1 LR3: No more than approximately 40 – 50mcg per day should be used by men, and no more than 20mcg per day for females. Because of its long active half-life in the body, the LR3 variant should only be admi...