Blood glucose levels of PN1 progeny from crosses between Grb10Δ2-4 KO and Insr KO mice. Glucose concentration (mM) is shown for progeny of the four genotype groups wild type, Insr KO, Grb10 KO and Grb10:Insr double knockouts (DKO). Values represent means and SEM, tested by one-wa...
From 2003 to 2005, maternal blood, umbilical cord blood, and placental tissue were obtained from healthy pairs of mothers and newborns (Table 1) during labor and delivery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (Jackson, MS; n ϭ 104 pairs) and the Regional Medical Center (Memphis,...
Clinicians examined blood samples from SZ patients in a regular blood test to measure serum total cholesterol levels (TC; mg/dL), total triglycerides (TG; mg/dL), glucose (mg/dL), and total albumin content (g/dL) by the time patients were hospitalized. 4.5. Measurement of IGF-2 and IGF...
Plasma was immediately separated in a Ficoll–Paque (3 mL 1:1 blood) gradient by centrifugation (2000 rpm, 35 min) and then aliquoted and stored in the freezer (−80 °C) until protein measurement. 4.3. Subjective Scales We measured the severity of depression using the Hamilton Depression ...