平时同学朋友都说我适合当老师,正好我妈妈以前是化学老师,我也是化学专业就尝试玩着录一下,我自己还是高中生,可能有说错,期望大家可以在弹幕或者评论区积极讨论,在空闲之余我回更新下一章的, 视频播放量 700、弹幕量 0、点赞数 14、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 6、转发人
iGCSE化学中英文精讲 - CH1&CH2 States of matter, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, 视频播放量 3125、弹幕量 1、点赞数 59、投硬币枚数 9、收藏人数 90、转发人数 53, 视频作者 剑禾教育, 作者简介 详询留学申请或培训课程请在微信公众号或其他各平台搜索:剑禾留学 或
? Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. ? Answer all questions. ? Answer the questions in the spaces provided there may be more space than you need. ? Show all the steps in any calculations and state the units. ? Some questions...
Equilibria CHEMISTRY IN SOCIETY Extraction and uses of metals; Natural oil and gas; Synthetic polymers; The manufacture of some important chemicals ILLUSTRATED GLOSSARY The accompanying CD ROM provides support for study, revision and practical work. / Interactive questions / Virtual experiments for common...
States of Matter IGCSEIntroductionIn the study of chemistry, one of the funda... States of Matter IGCSEIntroductionIn the study of chemistry, one of the fundamental concepts is the states of matter. Matter exists in three distinct states: solid, liquid, and gas. These states are determined by...
Interconversion of solids, liquids and gases Exam Tip Questions on the particle theory of matter show interconversion of states with a reversible arrow: ⇌, which means that the process can go forwards and backwards. Read the question carefully and pick the direction of the change in state that...
Partial preview of the text Download Biology IGCSE Unit 1 and more Summaries Biology in PDF only on Docsity! İGCSE Chemistry Unit 1 States of matter Chemistry is about whatmatterlike and how it behaves, and your explanations and predictions of its behavior. what is matter? this word is use...
9825 The 50 states song by:皮皮的英法之旅 2170 History of the United States by:字节空间 4302 History of the United States by:AK创客 6865 【神思者】The Warring States by:KenMiya 2694 History of United States, V1 by:樱花小美女 1.4万 A Short History of the United States by:星空liang ...
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化学会学Key concepts in chemistry/ States of matter and mixtures/ Chemical changes/ Extracting ...