剑桥IGCSE中文第二语言(IGCSE Chinese - Second Language)是为已经掌握该语言的工作知识并希望巩固其理解以促进其教育或职业发展的学习者设计的。通过学习,可以对各种语域和语体有了透彻的理解,并学会了在不同的情况下恰当地交际。 IGCSE中文第二语言课程侧重于阅读、写作、听力和口语交流的相关语言技能。通过学习剑桥...
“Fun with Chinese Level 2” Volume 2 Textbook is a set of supplementary materials for young children to learn Chinese. The material contains both textbook and exercise books to help Chinese children who grew up in oversea to understand the lives and cultural environ...
IGCSE Chinese – Second Language (0523)(download) The IGCSE Chinese as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of the language and who want to consolidate their understanding to progress their education or career. Through their studies, learners achieve a th...
Chinese Book for International School (IGCSE Second Language, IB): “Fun with Chinese 1” Vol 1 Exercise Books A & BCN¥ 77.08 Quantity - + Add to Cart The exercise Books A & B of “Fun with Chinese Level...
Chinese-First Language Computer Studies Czech-First Language Design and Technology Development Studies Drama Dutch-First Language Dutch-Foreign Language Economics English-First Language English-Literature English-Second Language Environmental Management
Chinese Second Language:-这个在我们学校就是不怎么会说中文的人学的。。。English First Language - ...
Chinese First Language 如果母语是中文,而且是在IGCSE课程之前是在普通学校上学的话果断就选这个了,在中国的学校上过中文课的人普遍水平和基础都不会太差。完全可以应付得了,而且选了Chinese FirstLanguage就给了Chinesesecond Language的余地,因为不能两种语言都选s...
Chinese Second Language -这个在我们学校就是不怎么会说中文的人学的。 English First Language -这个有些挑战,要多看英文书,考试难度远远高出eng 2nd,不过eng 1st lan是没有听力卷子的,但是2nd lan有一张多余的听力卷。我们学校这回考的不是特别好,学生普遍有压力,当然如果你英文不错可以去挑战一下,这样就可以...
Chinese First Language 如果母语是中文,而且是在IGCSE课程之前是在普通学校上学的话果断就选这个了,在中国的学校上过中文课的人普遍水平和基础都不会太差。完全可以应付得了,而且选了Chinese First Language就给了Chinese second Language的余地,因为不能两种语言都选second Language。 Chinese Second Language 这个属于...
0523 Chinese as a Second Language June 2014 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers CHINESE AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Paper 0523/01 Reading and Writing Key Messages In Reading, candidates are expected not only to understand the information provided in the passages but also to b e ab le to distinguish...